Dostlar, ashagida gorduyunuz metn hazirlanib, xahish edirik ki, bu - TopicsExpress


Dostlar, ashagida gorduyunuz metn hazirlanib, xahish edirik ki, bu metni ve ya analoji olan diger metnleri istifade ederek [email protected] e-mail unvanina muraciet gonderin. Diger konkret e-maillerin de tapilmasina chalishiriq, meselen Forumun rehberinin e-mailini... Niye Youth Forum? chunki mehz bu teshkilatin kechirdiyi musabiqede Gence sheheri 2016-ci il Avropa Gencler Paytaxti sechilib, bunu Hasan beyin azadliga chixmasina yardim gostermek uchun kampaniya kimi istifade etmek qerarina gelmishik... sherhlerde petisiya linkini de yayiram, xahish edirem kim qoshulmayibsa petisiyani da imzalayin! European Youth Forum AISBL, 120 rue Joseph II, 1000, Brussels, Belgium To whom it may concern, Hasan Huseynli is a citizen of Azerbaijan and the head of an NGO in Ganja called “Intelligent Citzen Public Union”. For 17 years he has been an education promoter and community leader, who had a huge positive impact on hundreds of young Azerbaijanis, encouraging them to study abroad and contribute to Azerbaijan’s development with their knowledge and skills. He is a highly respected and his organization is highly regarded in Azerbaijan and abroad. Many of his youth projects taught leadership, critical thinking, problem solving, principals of Democracy, and English language. He was supported by many in Azerbaijan, including international donors like National Democratic Institute and the US Embassy. Many of the youth who were a part of this organization have gone on to study abroad in Europe and the US and are now citizens developing the country in both government sector and private sector jobs. The main mission of his organization is to disseminate civil society ideas in the Western region of Azerbaijan. With this goal, the organization conducts enlightenment activities in civil society establishment, NGO development and public leadership. Earlier this spring Hasan was involved in an incident that landed him in Jail. The charges were totally false and developed by local authorities because they were unhappy with his organization and were looking for a way to shut it down. See various reports in the following links from trustworthy international organizations: Today, July 14th, 2014, Hasan was sentenced to 6 years in prison for charges with no evidence other than a corrupted state witness. All that know Hasan are enraged by this travesty of justice. We are writing to you because indeed this spring, Ganja was designated the European Youth Capitol of 2016. Recent events here call into question the selection of Ganja as the so called “youth capitol”. When one of the premier youth NGOs is shut down and the Director arrested on fake charges, you cannot turn a blind eye. We ask you to recognize the gross injustices being carried out in this so called “youth capitol” and what this arrest means in terms of the future for European and other international youth attending events here. We respectfully ask you not remain indifferent to this situation.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 06:56:50 +0000

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