Doubting Ronald? (Wrong Name, Right Motives) Doubt: To Hold - TopicsExpress


Doubting Ronald? (Wrong Name, Right Motives) Doubt: To Hold the Truth, Validity, or Reliability of as Uncertain, Hesitate to Believe or Accept Waiver: No definition needed, IT’S NOT IN SCRIPTURE! (KJV) But I would like to say: doubting our conviction and what God has put in our Hearts & Minds “But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, ‘Lord! Save me!’” That was from Matthew 14:30 by the way. How many times have we felt like this? Our Lord gives us a task and we get a good start. Then we get half way through, and our faith begins to waiver, figuring there is no way it is something that we should ever have started in the first place. We all know the story of Thomas where Jesus appeared to the disciples, in John chapter 20, but Thomas didn’t see Him until 8 days later. This is where it gets crazy. This whole story is about belief through faith! But he needed to see! If we keep reading in verse 30 it says that Jesus performed many miracles to the disciples that are not recorded, but are we not to believe? When God does His works through us, are we not to believe? Let’s get to John 14:12, Jesus spoke, “I assure you that you will do greater works than I.” And we still have a doubting heart. I have to say that doubt is a powerful weapon in satan’s arsenal. It’s easy for him to manipulate our weak minds, and he throws a wrench in the works the Lord has called us to do. In this, we try to remove the doubt while we are in the middle of our ‘tests’ but sometimes we doubt all the way through to the end, as Thomas did. But understand one thing if any; there is plenty of room for doubt. After all, we can’t know the strength of our faith without a few really good trails. When we come through and the doubt is finally removed from the equation, then we do not doubt our faith or our Father’s Love for us. So let’s say that doubt, in a way, helps keep our faith alive, because our faith is a living breathing entity within our beings! Hallelujah!! Deuteronomy 28:66, “Your life shall hang in ‘Doubt.’” Period. This is what happens when we know God but are disobedient to him. These people have all the blessings required to prosper and bring forth a land that will never die. Who’s to say what the world would look like today if these people had obeyed the Lord for more than just one generation after they came out of Egypt. But they doubted God, and fell away rather quickly, being scared in the desert, and neglecting God in Israel. Now, as the scripture says, they would’ “Fear day and night, having no assurance of life.” The word ‘Doubt’ is used only 3 times in the Old Testament and 2 references are about being ‘without a doubt’. How can this be that this powerful word returns with such a vengeance in the books of the New Testament and even today. Probably because there is more for satan to fight for. Now we have hope and a new faith with the resurrection of Jesus. Many Christians today doubt things like complete healing, raising the dead, or even the simple act of this, “Love one another as you love yourself.” Sometimes we even ‘Doubt’ what is being spoken on the pulpit because we hear the same message portrayed in so many different ways, hearing the teachers say, “Well, what this really means is this,” or, “When he was speaking He meant that.” I don’t ‘doubt’ that this would put ‘doubt’ in any man’s heart, if they are fresh, weak, or have no discernment. Now, to doubting ‘Ronald’; Lately it seems as the Lord has spoke to me about certain things, and led me off into a completely fresh environment, I have staggered in the belief that this is the position that He wants me to be in, showing me what hostility and lack of focus can do to one’s faith. By hostility I mean, doubt, lack of trust, backing away and not fully trusting the Lord in all the works he has put on my plate. But, as I spoke earlier, low and behold! He has not budged in His love for me and has pulled me into another level of His Glory. All I had to do was say, “YES LORD!” Are our enemies so close that we think the Lord is miles away, and we doubt His will and what He has in store for us? Our calamities seem to fall on ourselves when we question anything God wants us to do for His Glory. How about a fresh look at the story of Noah; God told Noah to build an Ark. And if you take a look at Noah, for approximately 3 chapters Noah never said a word. He just shut up and did the ‘Works’ the Lord had laid out before him!! I think some of us need to take a chapter out of this book I tell ya. If we do what God asks, and do it in Christ, or have the mindset of the Christ, there is no way we can fail at anything. Yes, there will be difficulties, and maybe we reach the same ending without following all the instructions, but God will truly know what’s in your heart and accommodate you. I’m not saying push your ‘luck’ here people, you’re going to need this if you doubt God, because ‘luck’ I’m sorry to say, does not pertain to anything when it comes to His Instructions. In this you will fail; again; ‘Period.’ Trust the instruction and failure isn’t even part of the vocabulary. If God does not doubt you, then why doubt Him? After all as it is written, He knew you before you were born… Let’s get to another boat incident, Luke 8:25, where Jesus calmed the seas because the disciples were freaking out, and He said, “Where is your faith?!” Was it their faith that waivered or did they just relax because they knew the Master was in the boat, not wielding the authority that Christ had given them? How does this work in us? As Jesus is with us, why would our faith waiver? And hasn’t He given us authority? Well this could be a good example: Sometimes our foundation gets a little shaken when someone tries to put doubt or fear into our hearts and they don’t even realize they are doing it, implying that they just want us to ‘be safe’. Things they speak are the ‘what ifs’ or ‘be careful because’ and even the command, “You better watch out for”… get what I’m saying? It’s peculiar how this can plant the smallest of a subliminal seed. Jesus also spoke in Luke 8:9 meaning what He spoke in parables most wouldn’t understand. So at that, they seem to question the smallest of our motives, even when we try to explain it in the simplest of terms, the smallest most condensed and understandable stories. It’s kind of like what Reader’s Digest does with their books! “When they see they cannot see, when they hear, they cannot understand.” They will think we are going to drown, but we have faith in the higher authority! And what I spoke at the beginning in the definitions, WAIVER isn’t even in the King James version! WOW! Let’s go back a little bit to the first time the word ‘doubt’ is used in scripture when in Genesis 37: 33 when Jacob spoke, “There is no ‘doubt’ a beast has rent my son to pieces!” Now we see “No Doubt” coming on because of false evidence. This is the way allot of people will try to make you ‘doubt’ or ‘waiver’. “No doubt” with false evidence! So doubt the No Doubt! And if ‘waiver’ isn’t even in the scriptures stop doubting because someone else’s doubt is trying to corrupt what God has put in you! Paul wrote in Romans 14:6, “Don’t let something you consider right (or good) be criticized (doubted) (chastised) by anyone as wrong.” Now it insults Christ when people doubt the Word God has put in your belly and given us on a personal basis, “The insults of those who insulted you have fallen on me.” David wrote that, and we can use anything that is written for our instruction today! Doubt, no doubt and wavering, ALL make us lose focus, makes us question God’s motives. And if we do that, isn’t it God’s authority over us we question? WOW! Gotcha there didn’t I? Jesus Himself spoke to us in the very last verse of the Gospel of Matthew saying, “Look, I MYSELF will be with you EVERYDAY until the end of the present age!” Do we doubt this too? In the name of Jesus this word has been spoken. May God’s Grace be with you, and bless the hearers and the doers, and may Christ come upon you when you waiver…sorry… ‘doubt’ and show you truth and strengthen your conviction to do the work He has set before you, and God makes the stumblers continue to stumble before you, that your path is clear to carry out the Lord’s Will! In the Name of Jesus!!! Aaaamen!
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 13:34:46 +0000

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