Doug Welty THIS IS THE FIX: PROPOSED 28th AMENDMENT: WE DEFINE THE SCOPE OF GOVERNMENT Pass a constitutional amendment that requires that we as citizens must keep 80 cents of every dollar we earn after all government taxes, fees, fines and charges at every level. In addition add language that requires an end to deficient spending and a move to a balanced budget with a clause requiring a balanced federal budget. In the first 10 years of the amendment the Federal Government will keep 60% of the taxes collected and the states would keep 40% affording the government the opportunity to pay down the federal debt in that ten year period. After the initial 10 year period the rates would change, with the states keeping 60% of the taxes raised in their state and the Federal government getting 40% from each of the 50 states. An example would be a state like California which raised $100 Billion dollars in taxes, in the first 10 years the Federal government would get $60 Billion and California would keep $40 Billion. After the initial 10 years those amounts would be reversed. At the 10 year point the Federal debt would be zero and if budgeted wisely we could have a surplus which would be put towards a rainy day fund again if managed properly. With this amendment, if the government wants more money than they need to create an environment that ensures the citizens earn more money. An example of the budgets we could be talking about, if GDP grew to 25 Trillion in the next 10 years this would give the government an annual budget of 5 Trillion dollars. Comparing previous budgets going back to Clintons presidency and the levels spent during more prosperous times demonstrates that 20% of GDP would fund all levels of government and ultimately bring some efficiency to the way government works. To prevent government over reaching with regards to fines and penalties, if you are fined for traffic infraction as an example, then you can be fined any dollar amount but if the fine is in excess of your 80% the government has to return the balance after holding it for a period of time, up to one year. In the end you always keep 80 cents of every dollar earned. Another side benefit is the enticement for the government at all levels to work towards an efficient use of funds to ensure they have the ability to pay for the programs they enact. When these efficiencies are realized then they could relieve the tax burden of those at lower income levels. That’s what an efficient government can do. Gone would be the days were the government sweeps in during bad economic times to take more of OUR money with the promise of stimulation when consumer spending is 70 times more powerful than government spending in stimulating the economy. PROPOSED 29th AMENDMENT: REQUIREMENTS FOR PUBLIC/POLITICAL SERVICE The idea with our government was that we were to be represented by our constituency at the federal level so we should be allowed to define the requirements in a constitutional amendment. Here are some ideas I have. To be elected you cannot make more than 100% above the National average income of the people at any point within ten years of running for office. You will serve a maximum of two terms. Their compensation will not exceed the income requirements to run for office. Pay raises cannot increase the wages to more than 100% of the average income of Americans. You will receive no per diem; you will cover your own living expenses. You will not receive a retirement pension for serving two terms. You will get the same 2% per year as offered to all federal employees. When your public service is complete all benefits stop except for the retirement amount accrued which will be paid once retirement age is reached. We all have a S/S number and its time we have a unique voting number to ensure we dont get 140% voter participation anywhere in the US. Have a system that records the voting activity of your voting number without discerning who you voted for. Obamacare had one goal for a Democratic Party that has created a number of entitlement programs which will bankrupt this nation in the next 30-40 years. The Democrat Party needs to control our healthcare to ensure fewer people live long enough to take advantage of these entitlement programs. The Democrats talk about healthcare savings but it is not for the people. They need to control the cost of healthcare for the government programs the government offers and this is how the Democratic Party wants to bend the cost of these programs downward. The Party of BIGGER GOVERNMENT has taken control of your healthcare and they will decide what treatments you receive as you age. If you doubt this, keep one thing in mind. When Social Security passed in 1935 the American lifespan was 65 years. How old did you have to be in 1935 to get S/S? You had to be 65, so there was no expectation that this entitlement would benefit the people to the extent that it has. Now we have an average lifespan of 79 years so the Democratic Party wants to limit the government’s exposure to this program by not offering medical treatments as we get close to 67 years of age which will be justifiable to the Democratic Party and their government run healthcare. Can they do this? Yes. A clause in the AHCA allows the government to step in and sell healthcare at which point all private healthcare companies will no longer be able to compete and in a short period of time will not be profitable enough to survive as the government program does not need to be profitable. Are you still confused???
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 01:06:07 +0000

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