Douglas 1.08 , Dripsey 2.02 final score in last night’s junior - TopicsExpress


Douglas 1.08 , Dripsey 2.02 final score in last night’s junior 13 a side competition. Twas a buzzin game in Douglas last night when Dipsey came to play a game. They had this 1 class wan who was like Forrest gump when she got the ball, she was the wan who got the goals for em. But we sorted caus we had a couple of young wans on our team, I dunno how there mammies let them up so late cause the game didn’t start till 8 and tha was way past their bed time id say, anyway all the young wans were buzzin, 1 of em even had a injury to her pork string and she still played, there was another wan she has a name the same as your wan in that book ‘war and peace’ and im not koddin ya she’s loopey , youd be afraid to go near the ball when shes goin for it, there was another young wan then think she has a Scottish name, jaysus when she got the ball she go up the field and then take it back down just for fun she was like one of those gammy wind up toys you get in the Christmas stocking you can see the owl wan chasin after her in the main picture on facebook. Oh i nearly forgot, jamember the wan I told ye about the last time, the wan that talks all funny who took Waynerooney to the vet, well she got right thick cause i said she talked all queer she told me they all talked like tha up there, can ya magine loads of wans talkin like that at the same time youd go mental listenin to em, I say they could get some kind of grant from the government to fix it they could all go to the speak and drama queen classes or somethin . An come ere did ya see her fella and he over with the other team i think thats a bit dodgy meself, i told her she d want to make the choice so I think she dumped him after the match. An Jamember the wan from the hane who had the Jimmy Choo Choos boots well I couldn’t find em so I got me mams good red nail varnish and painted the ends of me boots i was sick nobidy noticed last night and me mams gonna feckin murder me when she sees her nail varnish gone. Anywa we beat em an I think we have ta play Bantry greens next, there the crowd thats in the picture with isha crembin and jenny owes wearnin the hurley helmets cause they were so mental. Once again our budding Journalist from Mary the Queen Secondary School wishes to remain anonymous; she was however photographed on the sideline during last night’s match.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 11:47:15 +0000

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