(Down the Rabbit Hole ) Our country enjoys the fact we do not - TopicsExpress


(Down the Rabbit Hole ) Our country enjoys the fact we do not have one problem, we have a myriad of problems that permeate our society. We have an enormous national debt, unemployment rate, perpetual warfare, incompetent narcissistic leaders, a psychotic sense of self-worth, entitlement at the expense of other countries, a flaccid educational system, complete lack of a moral center, two political parties who have decided in the past twenty years they will never work together again. I honestly think that elected officials feel they can enforce their own agenda, with complete disregard of the other political party. Sort of political idea of divorce, when you watch these, “grown-ups” argue over frivolous issues like who gets the dog. My generation elected Obama based on the assumption we were electing a thoughtful Constitutional scholar. I could write pages about Obama’s contradictions, lies, unrealized promises, that have accumulated over the past seven years. The problem is Democrats refuse to admit that we can no longer elect a Liberal President. President Obama with other Democrats saber rattle constantly more so than the Republicans. The check and balance system created by the founders of America Inc. is pointless, because are leaders put political expediency first instead of the good of the country. The chicken hawks in the Democratic Party are the most stomach churning. Have these people forgot the outrage over Iraq war? The cruelest of ironies is Obama was elected on an anti-war party platform. As a matter of fact the entire Democrat party ran on anti-war rhetoric circa 2004-2008. We have conveniently forgotten this, along with other issues like torture, closing of Guantanamo, Obama putting in his cabinet the same people who caused the economic crisis. Oh! Yes the other irony of a Constitutional Scholar who is very proud of a NSA program that spies on U.S. citizens daily intercepting cell phone traffic, internet traffic, spying on Americans with impunity. The bright side is Bush just tortured Obama kills. What is sad is we Americans have accepted this as the status quo, and so called journalists are more worried about access to the President than confronting him with uncomfortable questions. People used to use the idea of FBI spying on you as a symptom of schizophrenia the irony of all this would be hilarious if it wasn’t so devastatingly serious.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 06:46:14 +0000

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