Down the Rabbit Hole: The Giles Campbell Story by Giles - TopicsExpress


Down the Rabbit Hole: The Giles Campbell Story by Giles Campbell FREE Advisory Board Member & Mary Rodwell FREE Co-Founder Since its inception in 1997, over 2,000 individuals have resourced ACERN. Giles Campbell, former research scientist based in Tasmania, witnessed ‘anomalous’ lights on several occasions with family and friends. However this escalated into physical interactions with extraterrestrial encounters such as Mantid ‘insect like’ beings. When his former partner also witnessed the same things, it was difficult to dismiss these experiences as hallucinations. Naturally as a trained scientist he sought explanations from science. Unable to find answers to account for his experiences, he also questioned his sanity. Giles resourced me through ACERN in 2011. He conceded the possibility, what he experienced had some reality despite a deep conflict between his science programming and these otherworldly experiences. Many readers will relate to this conflict. I have found the most skeptical are those with the experiences themselves. I joked with Giles and said, it is only when he explored a broader, multi-dimensional ‘reality’ will he achieve understanding. To do this, he needed to step into the proverbial ’rabbit hole’ with an open mind. However the downside to this, is there is no going back! Down the ‘Rabbit Hole”: by Giles Campbell In March of 2005, I was traveling home with my father, from Arthurs Lake in the Tasmanian Highlands towards Bothwell. We then noticed a white/blue ball of light which appeared to be following the car. The light was very bright but it was strange, it seemed contained, it did not disperse light as a street light or torch would. I wanted to stop the vehicle to get a better look at the phenomena but my father seemed uncomfortable and asked if I could drive faster. A motorcycle appeared heading towards us and the light vanished. As the motorcycle travelled out of view the light reappeared and continued following the car. After a few more minutes my father watched the light shoot off over the top of the car. The approximate height of the light was 120 ft, we were traveling at 100kmh. The size of the object was not possible to ascertain as it simply looked like a bright light. However, after this event I started experiencing strange phenomena around the house, smoke alarms would wake me at 2:30 am and I would have regular dreams about UFO’s and strange looking beings. I assumed my imagination was overactive. In 2006 I recall waking up and seeing a shadowy figure standing by the television. I was unable to move anything but my eyes. It felt like I was given a general anaesthetic and I fell back to sleep even though I am was fighting the feeling. Soon afterwards I recalled waking in an odd environment, there were no sharp edges on anything in the room, this really stood out, the boundary/walls of the room had a mother of pearl appearance a blue, silver and purple kind of shimmering sheen. I remember climbing off a table (this table appeared to have no legs, it appeared to be molded from the “wall”). I was not afraid even though I could see small figures around me. Again they were shadowy, for some reason it was very difficult to see their faces. I decided I wanted to look around, I remember noticing there were no steps, there was a ramp almost directly leading to the table and I started to walk down it. The small figures were trying to stop me and get me to go in a different direction but I just found them amusing given their small stature. All of a sudden my vision went black, I found myself in a similar style room with no bed and then it goes black again and I wake up in bed. It’s the early hours of the morning, I remember feeling completely exhausted and a little nervous, I woke my partner to explain the odd dream, and before I said a word she said “I just had the most bizarre dream that there was a small grey dolphin/elephant skinned being in the room with large black eyes, I couldn’t move, but it was ok, I wasn’t scared because they told me they were here for you not me and then I was forced back to sleep!” This struck me as very strange, I asked her to draw me a picture of the thing she saw and I was more than a little surprised to see how much it looked like what is often reported in popular culture (the grey). The main differences were that she described it had elephant like skin and was a bit wrinkly not smooth. I continued to have these strange dreams on and off and the house often seemed to be a place of strangeness. The smoke alarms would continue to wake me at 2:30am, lights would be switched on during the night and electrical items such as the television would sometimes malfunction. On November 26, 2007, I purchased a property in Mountain River, Tasmania. It was isolated and surrounded by forest and mountains. I had been craving seclusion and this house was perfect. October 2010: I was working, suddenly at 4:30 pm I felt I had to go home to bed. This was odd but there seemed to be a voice in my head telling me I was very tired and must go home to bed. I closed the laboratory, and went straight home. I had a bite to eat, fed the animals and went to bed and was asleep by 8 pm. I woke at 2:30 am. The room and possibly the entire house was filled with an amazing blue light which seemed to be full of bright blue/white orbs dancing through it. I became aware of what was happening and started to panic. I managed to calm my breathing and heart rate. I could see some small beings near me but as usual I could not see their faces it’s like they were masked. Again I felt what I can only liken to an aesthesia sending me back to sleep. I wake up again, the clock says 3:15 am, the light is fading and I am desperately trying to see what is in the room. I remember thinking “I want to see you!” A somewhat heated discussion starts in my head, it was very strange, I was getting angry because I couldn’t see whatever was in my room and I demanded they reveal themselves. The response was, “it will scare you and we don’t want to scare you.” I got quite frustrated and threw a rather expletive demand to see them. At that moment my gaze was drawn to the bedroom window, I got the fright of my life. I could see what appeared to be a large, head with brownish wrinkled skin (a bit like an elephants skin) it had big black eyes (about the size of a fist) just staring at me. I lost my calm and started to panic, I did not feel threatened in the slightest but I had no point of reference for this experience. As I started to panic the blue light vanished along with the entity outside of my window. A week after this event, in late October/early November 2010, I was sleeping and I was woken up by a strobe like flashing light which seemed to be in my head. I thought “aha! I am having a seizure, I must have a tumor which is why I am having all these experiences.” I was very calm and was wondering how I could get to my phone to call an ambulance. I remember a feeling of satisfaction I had finally solved my problem. I struggled to open my eyes and succeeded. I realized that the strobing light was filling my room, I could only move my head and eyes. I knew something odd was occur ring and I surveyed my room for details to ensure I was not dreaming. Again everything was just as I left it, I could hear my cat sleeping on the end of my bed and as I looked to my right and there was a six foot being standing next to my bed staring at me. I managed to shift position so I was looking straight at this entity and study it for what seemed to be 2-3 minutes. This creature had huge almond big black eyes, and resembled a preying mantis in some respects but there was very little insect about it. It was very slender, its skin was transparent and I could make out what seemed like blood vessels under the skin which appeared to have tiny balls of light moving through them. I could also make out its skeleton amongst all the other anatomical detail-- the skeleton looked almost like an opaque glass. Its head was big and it had what looked like 2 short fleshy antennae on its head, also translucent. The being had a blue/purple sort of glow to it, it was like a colored haze around the entire creature. It had slender, long arms, and had a very similar appearance to a preying mantis. It stood completely motionless, staring at me, I had little or no fear at this point, I was fascinated, I just wanted to get as much detail as possible. I decided to speak to it and for some reason I said “hello, can I help you?” (I do remember thinking how I sounded like a sales person, and how utterly ridiculous that must have sounded) Shortly after this it vanished with a flash of white light. After these two experiences there was a period of 6-10 days where I experienced total peace with understanding of things I now struggle to recall. It was a state of mind like I understood everything but at the same time wasn’t sure what it was I understood. I felt a connectedness to everything around me. I really struggled socially for a while as it was almost like I could feel people’s emotions and negativity. I lost my appetite and suffered exhaustion for the following 6 weeks. I also developed a strange debilitating fatigue which would come and go brought on at work, around specific people. These sensations eventually faded and left me very confused and concerned about my mental health. In December 2010 I was fishing with my friend Simon in the Tasmanian highlands, a lake called Pine Tier. It was not yet dusk and suddenly we both saw a flash of light in the sky, what appeared to be a silver apple seed shape shoot out, flash and streak across the sky. Simon saw the flash he looked at me and said “shit, did you see that?” I said I did. Both of us were surprised there was no bang or explosion. We lit a fire and started cooking dinner and Simon said “Giles can you see that?” I looked up, there was an orange orb moving silently above us, it moved slowly across the sky, I grabbed my torch and started flashing at the object but Simon was uncomfortable, so I stopped. Simon had seen ‘lights’ like this before, but it was the first time we had seen them together. Due to these experiences and other events I resigned from my career. I was feeling lost and dissatisfied with my work. After I met Mary in Agnes Water, and shared my story with her, I realized that I needed to get more confirmation that my experiences were indeed real. I decided to travel to the USA and visit the ECETI ranch and to see a world famous therapist in Wyoming, Dr. Leo Sprinkle. On November 10, 2012, I woke early to visit Dr. Leo Sprinkle. I went to visit Leo to have a regression to recall my encounters and missing time. It was a two hour drive north of Denver. I had been driving for approximately 1 hour and I started to feel a vibrating/ tingling sensation over my head. It started to build with intensity and then the feeling faded, a few seconds later this strange sensation occurred again but more intense, it started at my head and then ran down my whole body as water from a shower would. It built rapidly with intensity. I was thinking I would have to stop the car as I was traveling alone at 100kmph, but it subsided. However it became more intense, it filled my whole body and was so intense I had difficulty remaining calm and in control of the vehicle. Then everything goes black, and I see what looks like earth from space. I can sense every human being on the planet, black, white, short, tall everyone. I felt connected to every single person here, the love and compassion. What I felt for them was unbelievable. I could see faces of people flashing in front of me with the earth above them, the love and compassion that was pouring from me was totally unconditional and utterly overwhelming. I could hear a voice that sounded like my consciousness, it was saying “this is who you are, remember who you are, it’s important.” Suddenly I am back driving the car wondering what on earth that was about but still feeling the incredible love and compassion. The intense sensation settled down momentarily and just as I started to question what just happened the strange sensation started and again I am suddenly seeing the planet from space, this time I can see tiny little colors exploding from the surface, blue, purple, green..... Then I hear the voice again, it says “this is what it looks like when you wake up, this is why we are here, this is why we are all here.” I hear this 3 or 4 times and then I am back driving the car but this time I am in tears and I am a little wired. I have no idea what any of this is about, I do not understand it. All I know is these things have happened to me and I still find myself questioning the validity and the purpose of all these experiences. As you can imagine this experience has left me somewhat confused and questioning everything I thought I knew about this reality. I continued driving until I arrived at Leo Sprinkle’s office. I was anxious about the inevitable conversation. I was questioning my sanity, what will Leo think? I was greeted by a tall slim man who had a very gentle and loving smile. He introduced himself as Leo Sprinkle and proceeded to show me his library. This was obviously done to make me feel comfortable with sharing my experiences. His books alone filled a medium sized room from floor to ceiling and ranged from psychiatry to metaphysics and consciousness, along with some UFO material. After a few minutes we found ourselves in his private room where I started to regurgitate my story for what felt like the 100th time. After discussing my previous experiences, I told him what had happened to me in the car during the drive to meet him. He was welling up with tears as I finished. He took my hand in his and thanked me, he said something along the lines of “ahhhh another individual who is validating my work”. This was a beautiful thing to hear, this man was obviously a very beautiful individual, a man of integrity and peace, a man who I instantly admired. We spoke at length and laughed many times, I felt as I had done many times on this trip that I had met a truly wonderful human being. I asked if I should be regressed to remember what happened during my experiences and he replied “I don’t think you need to”.... A response I will never forget and one that taught me a great deal, least of all that if you are walking your path, no matter where you are, looking back only serves as a distraction to where one currently resides.... We parted company after a wonderful few hours and I found myself sitting in the car driving back to Denver wondering what on earth was going on, am I going insane? Am I loosing the plot? I really needed to talk with someone I knew and could trust so I called my friend James Gilliland. I explained what had happened since I had left the ranch, the sightings, the emotions, the information and the incredible experience I had just had driving to Leo’s. He listened in silence as always, never interrupting as I ploughed through the information. When I had finished I asked James if he thought I was going nuts (a common belief with people who experience this type of phenomena), quick as a flash and without hesitation he replied “Giles it sounds like you are experiencing sanity for the first time!”. Oh my God, I laughed so hard at those words I nearly wet my pants. It was very grounding to hear those words. The importance of having people around who don’t judge you and have some understanding of these experiences was suddenly very clear to me. I returned to Denver and shortly after got an invite to Mexico from a lovely girl I had met through the ECETI ranch. I decided to go as I needed a break from the madness. I booked a flight that left on 11/11/2012. My friend’s family had invited me and I booked a bed and breakfast in Guadelajara so as not to impose on their hospitality. Sunday, 11th of November I left for Denver Airport to fly to Dallas and then to Guadelajara. I decide to pack as light as possible so I only have carryon luggage. I Check-in at this airport 3 hrs early only to find that my flight is delayed at least 50 minutes. That means I will miss my connecting flight to Guadelajara. I checked the departures board, there is another plane that is delayed by 15 min, traveling to Atlanta via Dallas! I have ten minutes to get this earlier flight, I ask the lady at the desk if she can get me on this flight, she said that would only be possible if I didn’t have any checked luggage! What luck that I only took carry luggage.... I get a boarding pass and within 5 min start boarding the plane. I am sitting in row 9 seat E. Shortly after boarding we take off. My attention is drawn to the window on my right, I look out of the window and notice the guy next to me acting a little oddly, he seems uncomfortable and then I observe what looks like a large craft under the plane off to the right. It seems to slowly pass underneath us and behind the plane-- it looked very odd, almost brownish grey in appearance, it cast a shadow on the ground and was circular in shape. I wondered to myself whether the bloke in the window seat had seen it, I was going to ask him but then I decided against it as I decided I had seen enough weird stuff for one life. I took out my laptop and started writing a few notes about my trip, and what was going through my mind. After I had finished I put my laptop away and started fidgeting with the tray table. I glanced to the right and noticed the guy next to me had his sunglasses on and was staring out the window and was somewhat crushed up in the corner. I pondered this behavior for a second and then I noticed his Ipad on his table. He had notes open and the title of what he was writing was “TO THE BLOKE SITTING NEXT TO ME”. I was a bit taken aback, I looked away and thought you cheeky bugger, then I thought don’t read it, just close your eyes. My curiosity however got the better of me and I looked back only to read something that concerned me a little. It said “Leo doesn’t understand how deep this goes, I was put in this seat to contact you, if you want to know more email me” and he had left his address. I was totally shocked, I had to breathe deeply a few times, this was like something out of a movie. I quickly wrote him an email on my phone and tried to send it as the plane had wifi capabilities. I wrote “yes I want to know everything”. Eventually the plane landed my head felt like it was on backwards, what was this all about? Why had this man been on that plane, was this just a coincidence? It must have been because I didn’t even know I was going to be on that flight until 10 min beforehand! I got off the plane, I wanted to talk to him so badly, but I thought if he had wanted to talk he would have done so, so I went to the departures board to find when and where my connecting flight was leaving. He was standing next to me, I thought about talking but then I decided I should just go. I wandered off. I was waiting for my next flight and I got a reply from the message I sent this man. It said “Soon enough. I will be traveling around quite a bit for the next 2 weeks, doing what I did today. I will get back to you as soon as I am able”. I mean come on, what is that all about. It felt like I was living in some kind of weird sci fi film. My connecting flight to Mexico was very difficult, it felt as if was someone watching me, or trying to read my thoughts. I thought I was becoming paranoid which was not surprising given what had been happening to me? A woman sitting next to me was behaving oddly, being near her made my hair stand on end and she was constantly shoving books under my nose or showing me pictures of clouds on her ipad and asking me if I could see anything? Then she asked me whom I was meeting, and would I like to go with her to a meditation retreat? Could she come with me and my friends, which was incredibly weird! My senses were on high alert at this point, I am trying to figure out what the hell just happened and I had no one I could trust to confide in. I realized I had no control over this situation, and that there were possibly more levels to this than I could imagine. We eventually landed after what seemed like an eternity, I was an hour late which was extremely odd as we left Dallas early. Thankfully my friend Brittany and her family were at the airport to meet me and take me to my hotel. I will be honest, at this point I was having to work hard to keep functioning. All these strange experiences I witnessed was taking its toll. It felt like I was falling into an abyss, spiraling out of control with nothing to grab on to. I hoped this was going to be a peaceful few days, a time to relax and forget the unexplainable events and center myself. After the usual greetings, they drove me to my hotel. I was desperate to talk to someone, but I was concerned how it would be perceived. Because if anyone was to tell me a story like this I would certainly think they were somewhat unhinged. My brain was going over and over events on the plane, the whole series of synchronistic events that had to occur to get me on that plane, next to that bloke, the experience in the car, the lights in the sky and the strange shadow’s and balls of light I had started seeing. After what seemed like an eternity we arrived at the La Perla Bed and Breakfast. I was introduced to the owners who were just perfect. I went up to my room and after I got my head together sat down with Brittany and spewed the events of the last few days in her face. To my amazement she didn’t judge or try to convince me I was nuts, she just took it all in and pondered the whole series of events without question, she seemed to understand. We decided to grab some food at a local restaurant. On our way we walked down an unlit road and as we passed under a street lamp it turned on. We both noticed it and commented on how “strange” it was. We walked into the restaurant and we were given a table upstairs, there was no one else in this area. We ordered a meal and started talking about the crazy events. Then all of a sudden I started seeing “orbs” and shadows moving around the restaurant. Then a large pink apparition passed in front of the window. I was thinking “is this ever going to end?” I told Brittany what I was seeing, she seemed unfazed, as we finished our meals and returned to the hotel. On the way back to the hotel we walked under the street light that turned on when were going for dinner. Well this same street light turned off as we walked under it in the opposite direction! Is that just another coincidence? Is this my mind playing tricks again? I would like to stop here and briefly discuss the ‘high strangeness’ that accompanies many of experiences I have. I have discussed this with other people who have had similar experiences. These weird, complex and almost impossible to assimilate strangeness appear to be common amongst people with encounters such as strange shadow’s, balls of light, weird electrical anomalies. How people seem to deal with this is as diverse as the subject itself. It’s so confusing because some think it’s a government conspiracy, some believe its spirits, or dimensional beings. The problem seems to be that our society has no point of reference for such anomalies. I am a left brained science focused individual. I had brain scans, eye tests, blood tests, urine tests etc, I made sure I was tested for everything that might cause me to experience these highly bizarre events. Everything was normal, so I am left with continuing experiences, an almost infinite series of questions and little or no answers. Giles Campbell After leaving Mexico I returned to Colorado for a week before continuing to visit my family and friends in Georgia. I felt I was a bit unhinged given the experiences I had been having and wanted to ground myself as much as possible. I went to stay with my cousin Nick and thankfully had an uneventful two weeks before traveling to the UK to spend time with my family in Yorkshire. I was struggling a little with what had been going on as my mind would constantly wonder about what had happened. Had I imagined everything? Was I really ‘losing the plot’ or was there something to all of these experiences? I noticed myself detaching somewhat from society, things didn’t make sense anymore. I couldn’t understand why people were forced into a society that does not appreciate them, a society where it almost seems we are programmed to follow a very specific path and if we deviate from it we are left behind with little or no support. I began to ponder the loss of spirituality in our western society and how potentially damaging this is for us. I found it a little difficult to be around people, my preconceived thoughts and opinions about life were dissolving, my entire rationale of life appeared to be changing from one perspective to another. I suddenly found myself identifying with a whole new group of people, people who previously I struggled to even be in the vicinity of, let alone converse with. It felt like I was building a completely new reality for myself and this one contained the possibility of new worlds, different dimensions and certainly the possibility of my consciousness expanding and continuing after death. When I left the UK I was certainly looking forward to getting back to Australia and resuming some kind of life, and one which I knew was going to be very different to the one I left. Arriving back in Australia was a great joy for me, it was a comforting and familiar place to return to. My friend Britt decided to visit shortly after my return and we spent about eight weeks traveling around Australia before we travelled to Agnes Water where I connected with Mary Rodwell again and both Britt and myself talked at length about my/our experiences. I was no longer interested in the big city thing and had decided I would be most at peace in a more self sustainable situation. I decided to settle in a small coastal area of Australia. I rented a place whilst I looked for a home to purchase, as I had not experienced anything for months. I thought the whole thing had passed me by until one night I woke up to see a blue liquid light in the vague shape of a person moving round the bed and out of the door. This was a very clear apparition but was not at all unnerving. I had no idea what it was but it just wandered around the room and vanished into itself. This happened a couple of times over the next month or so until I moved into my new home. The first night in my new place I was greeted by an extinguished candle (I had no electricity) being thrown on the floor whilst I was sleeping in the living room (I had no furniture). I opened my eyes and there right in front of me was a white, foggy sphere. It was about 5ft in diameter and inside it was something very strange, it looked to be an orange structure. The sphere came towards the bed, I sat up and watched it approach me, then it kind of vanished into itself, like it folded itself away. I then noticed on a few occasions whilst working in the garden, I would notice these spheres moving around the property, mostly out of the corner of my eye. My friend Britt and I decided to embark on a relationship together, and she moved in with me. Shortly after moving in I went away to spend 10 days in a Vipassana meditation retreat. During my time there I witnessed multiple balls of light, golden mist and a five foot white being walked straight past me in the kitchen which no one else saw (I was working in the kitchen as a volunteer). One thing that has become very common is the appearance of what looks like lines of white smoke, almost human in shape, about 4.5 feet high moving through the house I am now in. Sometimes I can also see what look like black eyes at the top. Three weeks after I returned home a friend from the states came to visit and on the 4th day of his visit we were sitting in the living room and we both saw a white being standing outside the glass door looking in. I sat and watched it as my friend jumped out of his chair and nearly burst a blood vessel. A few months ago I was woken by Britt as she had a rather un-nerving experience in the room with what she described as a bright green preying Mantis like being staring at her from the side of the bed, along with some strange balls of light that seemed to accompany them. More recently I met a man called Peter Maxwell Slattery who I was referred to speak with. I discussed my experiences with Peter as he is also an experiencer, and he has written several books about his encounters. He described to me a Brown Wrinkly faced being, exactly the same as the one I had witnessed outside my bedroom window, this was a shock as no one else had ever described this thing to me and neither had I ever read about it. Peter decided to come and visit for a while a few months ago and whilst here we all had very odd experiences, mostly in the form of strange wispy things in the house again. Pete has since become a very good friend and decided to move and live closer to us. Recently we both saw a triangle craft glide silently over the property and vanish just as Pete got his hand on the camera. This is something else which is infuriating, anytime we are away from a camera or when they are not set up something seems to happen. We have even experienced a battery go from full charge to empty when things are occurring only to return to fully charged when it has ended??? I hope one day to capture some good images or perhaps video footage of some of these things so I can share them. The experiences are continuing and I am beginning to learn to live with them. I would like to understand something about them-- are they real or is it our imagination doing this? Are we really constantly surrounded by things we cannot fully perceive? I have no idea, I just want people who experience these things to know you are not alone, many other folk experience them too. The most important thing for me is to keep as grounded as I can and not allow myself to get carried away with this. ****************************************************************** I want to thank Giles for being prepared to share his story to date. Giles has shown great courage to write and own these experiences. He has ‘outed’ himself publically, not only by speaking about this on several radio shows including the Peter Maxwell Slattery show, James Gilliland’s Radio show (ECETI) but recently in a local newspaper. Giles feels it’s important because he has experienced the isolation, confusion, fears of judgment, fears for his sanity, so many experience who are having encounters and do not know where to seek support. What is significant in offering therapeutic support to those with higher education, especially in the fields of science, there are two primary challenges. They seem to struggle more than most to process and accept their multi-dimensional reality, as the third dimensional programming is so powerful. Giles admits his personal reality so far from his scientific programming; it created huge conflicts in accepting his new multidimensional reality. Bridging the old to the new paradigm is both confronting and destabilizing. The second challenge is an individual with a profession, and credentials. How personal experiences are perceived by their colleagues and peers. To own these experiences professionally can be extremely detrimental to any professional reputation, as so many have already discovered. When more individuals like Giles share their personal experiences in the courageous way he has, especially having a scientific background, this adds weight in the public mind. It is the only way we as a society can finally get the public to wake up and listen, when someone they feel they can respect owns their truth. FREE (Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters) is a new organization with a multidisciplinary credentialed team that offers to the experiencer the support that they merit and much needed research on these experiences that is needed to bring this information into the mainstream. I am one of the Co-Founders of FREE and Giles is a member of FREE’s Advisory Board.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 05:13:57 +0000

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