is a coalition partner of Stop Watching Us, which - TopicsExpress

   is a coalition partner of Stop Watching Us, which is holding a rally protesting illegal NSA spying TOMORROW (Saturday, October 26), in Washington, DC. See a video about it which includes… • Film Director, Oliver Stone • Actors Maggie Gyllanhaal and John Cusack • Phil Donahue • Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers • Whistleblowers Mark Klein, Kirk Wiebe, and Thomas Drake • Digital rights scholar Lawrence Lessig Marchers will gather in front of Union Station at 11:30 a.m. by the Christopher Columbus Memorial Fountain in Columbus Circle, and then march to the National Mall, in front of the Capitol Reflecting Pool. Speakers will include Rep. Justin Amash, feminist social critic Naomi Wolfe, renowned technology expert Bruce Schneier, and several others. If there was ever a transpartisan issue, the NSA’s callous disregard for the Fourth Amendment and the right to privacy is it. Thats why many on the so-called left and right, from Oliver Stone to Rep. Amash are protesting it. If you live close by, we urge you to attend. Details are here: Regrettably, members of the Downsize DC team do NOT live close by and won’t be able to attend. But if you are like us and CAN’T attend, there is something simple you can do to protest illegal NSA spying. Go to StopWatching.Us and sign the petition. Its conclusion says… We are calling on Congress to take immediate action to halt this surveillance and provide a full public accounting of the NSAs and the FBIs data collection programs. We call on Congress to immediately and publicly: 1. Enact reform [in] this Congress to Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act, the state secrets privilege, and the FISA Amendments Act to make clear that blanket surveillance of the Internet activity and phone records of any person residing in the U.S. is prohibited by law and that violations can be reviewed in adversarial proceedings before a public court; 2. Create a special committee to investigate, report, and reveal to the public the extent of this domestic spying. This committee should create specific recommendations for legal and regulatory reform to end unconstitutional surveillance; 3. Hold accountable those public officials who are found to be responsible for this unconstitutional surveillance. Sign the petition here. Let us know you did so by writing to [email protected] And thank you for all you do to smash the Surveillance State! Jim Babka President, Inc.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 13:48:23 +0000

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