Dowsing or Divining is one such method to receive intuitive - TopicsExpress


Dowsing or Divining is one such method to receive intuitive replies from pendulum by reaching beyond the limitations of known knowledge. “Dowsing is an Art, it is a Sacred Art and as we embrace dowsing, we come from our heart and involve our spirit.”The technique of ‘Dowsing’ is very ancient and it is difficult to estimate the time of origin of the same. This practice has its deep roots in ‘Nature” and must have developed about 3000 to 4000 years ago. In essence, the animals are gifted by nature with an intuitive sense of Dowsing. Thus, it is apparent that the art of Dowsing is an integral part of their physical existence. At times, we come across a few people who are naturally gifted with the art of Dowsing. Some others having an ability to trace the source of water below the ground and can precisely predict the place where we can find water or reveal the place of hidden treasures. Many saints without the aid of any external devices, by the virtue of spiritual powers, can find correct answers for questions relating to the present and future. A few spiritually advanced individuals through the grace of the Almighty are blessed with occult faculties. Many times, they get a fleeting image in front of them which gives a glimpse of the future events. We can term this as supernatural or a phenomenon transcending the five senses. To carry out the activities in this external world, an individual uses the five sense organs of skin, Ears, Nose, Eyes and Tongue. However, when a person visualizes an experience beyond these five sense organs, it then transpires that the individual has supernatural faculties. We find people with such occult or super powers very rarely. However, by learning the techniques of the art of Dowsing we can succeed in finding answers to many specific questions. It is very easy to learn the technique of Dowsing but proper practice is very important. The art of Dowsing has its origin in India but today it is extensively practiced abroad than in our own Country. Many Doctors are using the techniques of Dowsing in their profession to enhance their skills. During ancient times, the technique of Dowsing was used to locate the presence of water below the surface of the earth. However, since the First World War this method is used to locate the oil sources and other valuable minerals beneath the surface. During the present century, a lot of research has been undertaken on the subject of Dowsing and as a consequence this system is used for a variety of purposes. Dowsing is used effectively in the medical field, to locate the specific disease in an individual, the cause of the ailment, the remedies and the line of treatment which can be beneficial. Through the process of Dowsing, it is possible to explore whether a particular place is ideal or otherwise, the energy fields in that place and we can also arrive at a decision in acquiring that place. If a person is unfortunately lost, it is possible through Dowsing to ascertain whether that individual is alive or dead and if alive the place of the present stay. Dowsing is an exciting phenomenon and it is possible to spot underground water and other natural treasures. Dowsing also enables prediction of future events. It is difficult but not impossible to explain how this marvelous phenomenon works. The person who practices this technique is endowed with meta physical powers. These powers are not external but are inherent in every individual. Due to the various external influences this faculty becomes latent. Through a proper use of this technique, it is possible to perform many tasks which seem impossible. The individual practicing ‘Dowsing’ establishes contact with the Cosmic Energy through the power of endurance and intuition. It is very important to maintain perfect harmony of the mind, body and soul for the Dowser. Such an individual should be stable and should have purity of mind. A person with a spiritual orientation can easily master the art of dowsing. We can therefore conclude that ‘Dowsing’ is a meta physical art which enables us to foresee those events which is not apparently possible for the common people. TOOLS USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF DOWSING : * Many tools are used for practicing the art of ‘Dowsing’. Everyone can select the tools as per one’s choice. * The most common and natural tool used for this purpose is a ‘Y’ shaped Branch or twig of a tree. This resembles a catapult which children use for fun and can be easily obtained . Similarly, ‘Dowsing’ can be practiced by using two ‘L’ shaped rods made of thick iron strings, in both the hands. However, the use of ‘Pendulum’ is an extremely popular tool used for ‘Dowsing’ in the present times mainly because it is very simple and convenient. * A ‘Pendulum’ in its simple form is a slightly heavy article or item attached to the end of a string or a thread. The ‘Pendulum’ can be of any shape, metal, any non metal, ‘Rudraksha’ or even crystal. Irrespective of the substance utilised, through regular and methodical use of this technique it is possible to obtain accurate answers for the questions. HOW TO HANDLE A DOWSING PENDULUM : The pendulum should be tied to a string of approx. 6 to 9 inches in length. The end of the string should be held gently with the thumb and index finger. After holding the pendulum gently as above, the question should be addressed to Pendulum in such a manner that an answer will be elicited which should be either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. The Pendulum gives an answer to such a question through certain special movements. * When the movement of the pendulum is circular & “Clockwise” it indicates a positive (affirmative) answer to the question. * When the movement of the pendulum is circular & “Anti Clockwise” it indicates a negative answer to the particular question. * When the movement of the pendulum is not circular but from the top to bottom and vice versa in long swings it indicates a positive reply to some extent to the question. * When the motion of the pendulum is from i) left to right or ii) right to left or iii) from top to bottom in a linear direction, it is indicative of a negative reply to the question. * When the pendulum remains still without any movement it is indicative of the fact that the pendulum is not inclined to answer the particular question. The state of the mind and the body is of vital importance during the process of Dowsing. A pleasant state of mind should be maintained during Dowsing. One should be emotionally stable, should not be sick, suffering from any ailments, tired, seized with any mental tension or extremely happy while performing Dowsing. Absolute cleanliness should be ensured and one should maintain a pleasant disposition while practicing Dowsing. Just prior to the commencement of ‘Dowsing’ one should offer prayers for a few minutes, eliminate all the thoughts from the mind and maintain a calm mental disposition. After holding the Pendulum in proper position, the question should be visualized mentally with closed eyes and the process of Dowsing should commence subsequently.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 06:00:26 +0000

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