Dozens of persons have asked me how I feel about Gov. Mapp and Lt. - TopicsExpress


Dozens of persons have asked me how I feel about Gov. Mapp and Lt. Gov. Potters cabinet appointments, well here goes. Gov. Mapp has a right to pick whomever he wants for his cabinet. Now remember, that some of these persons have to go before the Legislature for confirmation. Some, I am warm to, and others not so much. ( I am trying to be nice here. ) However, whomever he picks and gets confirm, will help to shape or shatter his legacy as Governor of this Territory. No matter how good a Captain is, if he has a shitty crew, that ship will not survive the rough seas and we have plenty of those looming up ahead. Now the little I know of Gov. Mapp from him being a former colleague, is, he will not tolerate any cabinet member making him look bad, so a word to the wise is sufficient. Just like any good Athletic team, you pick your lot and weed out the wheat from the tiers. Ask me the same question come Summer, and my response may not be so polite. After all, I am know for shooting from the hip, but I dont shoot at chicks, fawns or the immature. Time will tell. A house isnt built in a couple of weeks, give the builder a chance to finish the house, then judge how well it was built. Do not forget there is plenty deconstruction to do before rebuilding can be done..........
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 20:56:59 +0000

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