Dr. Alaya M. Akhtar. (Ex-Islamic Scholar). WHO MADE MOHAM-MAD A - TopicsExpress


Dr. Alaya M. Akhtar. (Ex-Islamic Scholar). WHO MADE MOHAM-MAD A PROPHET? MUSLIMS MUST LEARN THE TRUTH; Moham-mad was not a true prophet. And I say that because, you see, the true prophet must receive a direct call from God, especially if he will be the founder of a religion. Moham-mad is the founder of Islam. Moses and all other Prophets received a direct call from God. They never changed the Words of God nor made their own religion. BUT, Moham-mad did. Moham-mad didnt receive a direct call from God. The story is very interesting. He was in the cave of Hira, outside of Mecca, and there, a spirit appeared to Moham-mad. And then, the spirit squeezed Moham-mad very tightly, that he thought that he was going to die. And the spirit said to Moham-mad, Read. Moham-mad was illiterate, he could not read. And he said, I cannot read. Then the spirit squeezed him more tightly that he thought he was going to die. And the spirit said to him, Read! I cannot read, Moham-mad answered. Then the spirit squeezed him more tightly. He was afraid that he was going to die. And he said, Read! He said, What shall I read? The words should be recited because he could not read. How could you command someone who doesnt know how to read, read? You say to him, Recite! And then he said, What shall I read? And he said, Read, in the name of thy Lord, who created man from the clot, etc, etc. So the Koran is not the invention of Moham-mad. The Koran was given to him by that spirit who appeared to him at the cave of Hira. The Muslims say, that the spirit was Gabriel the angel. They say the angel Gabriel is the spirit who appeared to Moham-mad at the cave of Hira , and he squeezed him tightly. Now listen carefully. When Moham-mad went home he was afraid and shivering. Khadizah his wife (15 years older than him) asked the reason. Moham-mad said I saw GHOST/JINN. After hearing all details But Khadizah who turned the coin and said no no no it was angel Gabriel!! You saw an Angel. It was not ghost. Khadizah made him prophet with out two male witness (because Koran says female needs two male witness to testify her testimony!!) She took Moham-mad to her cousin Waraka-bin-Nafal (who was a causin of Khadizah, teacher of Moham-mad in the Cave of Hira and so called Catholic Bishop). Now Arab needs one prophet for them. Because they saw Jews got Moses, Christians got Jesus but we? Nothing. Here is the chance to say yes we have prophet too. And Moham-mad became prophet. This is the fact behind the prophet-hood of Moham-mad. I suggest to all Muslims, Please think and search for the truth as I did and leave Islam. Islam is not a religion. Moham-mad was not a prophet. Koran is not a Divine words of the True God. These are all Moham-mads own made. Dont die like Moham-mad. LEAVE ISLAM NOW.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 16:07:48 +0000

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