Dr. Andrew Wakefield says, " Direct link to vaccine`s & - TopicsExpress


Dr. Andrew Wakefield says, " Direct link to vaccine`s & Autism"..NOW the epidemic has reached 1 in 25!!..Both my boys are on the autism spectrum.. I am proud of both of them, & love them just they way they are, but this is VERY alarming....I don`t know what else besides vaccine`s or the environment, could have caused my children`s autism... Monsanto`s main contributor, (Bill Gates) comment, the world population needs to be lowered by one billion, for it`s future survival (foot print), really bothered me, & got me researching..Which led me to a lot of dead scientists, the mass extinction of bee`s & THEN back to Monsanto, again..I found out Round Up has been linked to CANCER, AUTISM & PARKINSON~S according to the NEW study...The Pesticide co. claimed for years agent orange was safe & denied it caused cancer to our service men after returning from Vietnam.. Then they denied DDT,PCB`s were causing cancer & ended up losing millions due to the cancer they caused..Apparently they learned from their mistakes...They grew more powerful over time & spread themselves throughout our government to the point they were able to force OUR PRESIDENT to sign a Bill that gave them immunity to ANY future lawsuits..Our President reversed his word that he gave in 2007 that he WOULD NOT sign THE BILL..What kind of POWER do they have to do THAT??!!...MONSANTO HAS MORE POWER THAN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...POWERFUL CORPORATIONS ARE RUNNING THE MOST POWERFUL COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, THE WHITE HOUSE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA....People from Monsanto & the FDA are NOW working throughout our Government, and the SUPREME COURT!!...WHY??..If people could remember that corporations ONLY take care of THEMSELVES...When they are FINISHED taking what they want LIKE TERMITES IN WOOD they will leave COMPLETE DESTRUCTION in their wake..Think back on toxic waste dumping, & the Exon Valdeze spill, the rain forest..NOW imagine giving a PESTICIDE CORPORATION carte blanche to our food supply..With no repercussions when we FINALLY discover how toxic their product has been to our health & the earth what will the out come be??....Then tell me, it`s ALL going to be alright when the truth is realized..If people don`t start waking up, like Europe has, & start taking a stand...It`s not going to matter who we elect, they control (like a puppeteer) whoever is elected..That`s just been proven with our President..This is what OTHER countries see, when they look at America..That we are sound asleep, & completely OUT OF TOUCH with what is happening to our country...Too busy watching television & tuning out to see the truth...They even control our media..Every aspect of our lives is controled & spoon fed to us, like obedient ignorant children..Exactly what they want us to be... And it is going to hurt us SOON, if we don`t WAKE UP..I believe it`s ironic that In the beginning we were thrown out of EDEN by God because we were tricked & ate from the forbidden fruit... FROM the WRONG TREE...SOUNDING FAMILIAR?? GENETICALLY MODIFYING OUR FOOD & POISONING OUR WORLD AND US AT THE SAME TIME? WHO ELSE WOULD PLAY GOD LIKE THAT?? I~M NOT RELIGIOUS But, God`s word`s...Ye shall all surely die... are way too ironic..Please wake up soon.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 10:27:38 +0000

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