Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Vs Gandhi 1) Gandhi was from rich modhi - TopicsExpress


Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Vs Gandhi 1) Gandhi was from rich modhi baniya community, Ambedkar from poor mahar ati shudra community. 2) Gandhi took 10 minutes to reach his fathers dead body from his room to his fathers room, Ambedkar took 20 hrs to reach his dying father from Baroda to Mumbai. 4) Gandhi was Matric barrister (No Degree, like diploma of today) while Ambedkar was Doctorate barrister (eight degrees). 5) Gandhi served as major in South African Army before practicing Law in SA, Ambedkar taught as professor in Sydneham College before practicing Law in Mumbai. 6) Gandhi worte “My experiments with truth”, Ambedkar’s writings are still being published in 28 volumes. They say 42 volumes will not be enough. 7) Gandhi had Birlas & Goenkas with him to give monetary support for his movement. Ambedkar had only Pawar & Naval Bhetna to give him loan for purchasing books. 8)Gandhi built ashram for khadi gram udyog, Ambedkar built house for keeping books and built colleges for dalits. 9) Gandhi practiced indriya control (as written in his bio), Ambedkar married second time for health reason. 10) Gandhi did not advocate reservation for OBC, Ambedkar resigned from ministry for OBC reservation. 11) Gandhi is not responsible for partition . Tilak and Jinah had passed this resolution in 1917 itself. Ambedkar did not divide India into caste , it is done through texts like Manusmriti, Purush Sukta, Tatriya Brahman etc. 12) Gandhi was killed by circumcisioned Nathuram Godse , Ambedkar died in sleep (debate). 13) Gandhi was fond of spinning cotton, Ambedkar was fond of reading Books. 14) Gandhi claimed to be leader of harijans and showed 2 telegrams in 2nd round table conference, Ambedkar did not claim to be leader of harijans but showed thousand telegrams in the same meeting. 15) Gandhi refused to give equal human status to Shudras and advocated 4 varna (vertical) system, Ambedkar committed his life for equal human status to Shudras and asked Gandhi if he can give the same 4 varna (horizontal) system. Gandhi denied. 16) Gandhi described Shudras as harijans (Children of God) but did not describe upper caste as children of whom. Ambedkar said that calling Shudras as harijans means the same. 17) Gandhi could do all work with help of many prominent leaders and moneyed people, Ambedkar did all things single-handedly. 18) Gandhi never fought election. Ambedkar lost lok sabha election to 7th pass congress candidate But he won Rajya Sabha election from Jasor & Khulna dist of Bengal, and because of which these districts were given to bangle desh considering the prople of this places as defectors to congress. 19) Gandhi went on fast to death in Poona against empowerment of so called his harijans. Ambedkar in reluctance signed the Poona pact and saved his life.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 17:02:46 +0000

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