Dr. Bass came in and told us that there were no other tests that - TopicsExpress


Dr. Bass came in and told us that there were no other tests that could be ran at this time and LeAnna was slowly improving so there was no reason to keep her hostage any longer. Out of all the possibilities that I wrote on the white board, she went through them with us and said, no on this one because..., no on this one because..., and that since shes not in that state again, there was nothing more they could test for. They dont anticipate LeAnna getting to that level of toxicity again any time in the next month or even 6 months or she wouldnt even send her home now. The follow up appt will give the opportunity to test her blood to check the acid to see if Topamax is the culprit. If the acid level is good, we just have to go on that and pray that episode NEVER EVER returns. Some lab they took wont be in until next week, so we may even find something out then. So...we really dont know any more than we did before. They did say that with the kids they see with several seizures a day on a regular basis, they are never as sick as what LeAnna was. So, I just hope and pray that we are never taken down that road again. I cannot thank you all enough for all the thoughts, prayers, visits, texts, messages, calls, donations, taking care of our dogs, our garden, picking up the house, food, etc., etc. If you even gave a second thought of LeAnna or our family, you can smile and know we love you! God is truly amazing and heard all your pleas to make LeAnna better. Love to each and every one of you!!! 💜 Now, help me spread Epilepsy Awareness and lets get this monster under control! Whos ready for the fashion show...?
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 00:35:57 +0000

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