Dr. Ben Carson: Conservative or Not?? Are you a Ben Carson - TopicsExpress


Dr. Ben Carson: Conservative or Not?? Are you a Ben Carson supporter?? What do you truly know about him and his ideological stances? His policy positions? Is he a Conservative? What makes him a Conservative? Please review the following and see if you feel that these are Conservative positions. If you do, then it would be appropriate to continue supporting him. If you see what I see in these positions, then I believe that you will find that it is untenable to continue to support this man who has ZERO Conservative credentials and bona fides!! Ben Carson IS NOT a Conservative!!! He was a self=proclaimed Flaming Liberal for much of his life, and I have not seen any statement from him that he is actually NOW a Conservative!!! He only registered as a Republican on 11/1/2014 strictly for political expediency in order to enter the race for the Republican nomination for the Presidency!! Is it POSSIBLE that Carson is more BIG GOVERNMENT on Health Care than even Obama??? For example, what is his stance on End of Life Care? Here it is in his OWN words: As our general population continues to age and as our technical abilities continue to improve we will find ourselves in a position of being able to keep most people alive...well beyond their 100th birthday. The question is Should we do it simply because we can? It is well known that up to half of the medical expenses incurred in the average Americans life are incurred during the last six months of life....rather than putting them in an intensive care unit, poking and prodding them, operating and testing them ad nauseam, why not allow them the dignity of dying in comfort, at home, with an attendant if necessary?...Decisions on who should be treated and who should not be treated would clearly require some national guidelines.[30] (Does this NOT sound like Sarah Palins Death Panels which were so vociferously DENIED??) What is his stance on Price Controls and Profits for the PRIVATE INSURANCE Industry? In his OWN WORDS, does this sound Conservative?? The entire concept of for profits for the insurance companies makes absolutely no sense. I deny that you need care and I will make more money. This is totally ridiculous. The first thing we need to do is get rid of for-profit insurance companies. We have a lack of policies and we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care.[30] In 1992 Carson wrote The most natural question is, who will pay for catastrophic health care? The answer: The government-run catastrophic health care fund. Such a fund would be supported by a mandatory contribution of 10 to 15 percent of the profits of each health insurance company, including managed care operations.[30] How about Affirmative Action?? How Conservative does his OWN WORDS sound here?? A lot of people, including myself, have benefitted from affirmative action...and have, in fact, taken advantage of the opportunity it afforded them. And I think that is the best possible reason for advocating the continuation of some program that allows minorities to have opportunities and improved access to mainstream America. I would love to hear people engage in a very different conversation—on how we might maintain the benefits of affirmative action but change it and even call it something else. We have to be smart, you see. What I would like to call it is compassionate action.[30] How about handling the situation with the huge influx of ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS?? Is he an AMNESTY supporter?? In his OWN WORDS, does this sound like a Conservative position?? Deporting Illegal Aliens is taking the moral low road!!! And, has anyone asked him who he VOTED for in 2008?? We KNOW that even AFTER he says he abandoned the Liberal mantel, that he VOTED for Clinton!!! So, WHY would Ben Carson have any claim to Conservative Bona Fides and have the support of the Conservatives, the Tea Partiers, the Grassroots, etc???
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 11:03:43 +0000

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