Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, the Father of the Indian Constitution - TopicsExpress


Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, the Father of the Indian Constitution must never have visualized that thick skinned persons with never ending greed for moolah would ever be occupying the very high Constitutional post of Advocate General. That is possibly why a ban on private practice by the Advocate General was not officially prescribed in the Constitution of India. But while participating at the meeting of the Constituent assembly of India on 1st June 1949 Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad had infact said ‘I do not want the Advocate General to indulge in private practice’. Despite the Goa Government paying the current Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni over a crore of rupees a year, yet he has been shamelessly flirting around minting abundantly by being the legal messiah for the Mining, Casino and Builders lobby. This despite the Goa Government by a written order issued in 2006 directed that the Advocate General should refrain from accepting any cases from private parties where the Government was even just a formal party. This fiat is being flouted with impunity by Atmaram Nadkarni. If the government were to only install CCTV cameras at the plush three storied office of Atmaram Nadkarni on Panaji’s 18th June Road much of the ongoing mind boggling and scandalizing illegal activity would come to light. Ironically even an Advocate visiting Atmaram Nadkarni’s office has to deposit his mobile phone at the reception. Something I have never had to do over the years even when call on the Governor of Goa. What is Atmaram Nadkarni who preaches so much on spirituality fearful of? I cannot ask God to guide him, for he knows what he is doing! I can only remind Atmaram Nadkarni of the words of Joel Osteen “You can live your life angry, bitter, mad at somebody or even guilty, not letting go of your own mistakes, but you wont receive the good things God has in store”. And will Atmaram Nadkarni ever be inspired by what the great American writer Alfred Armand Montapert had to say “The main source of our wealth is goodness. The affections and the generous qualities that God admires in a world full of greed”
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 11:13:41 +0000

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