Dr. Eric Pianka: We Need Ebola To Kill Off 90% Of World Population - TopicsExpress


Dr. Eric Pianka: We Need Ebola To Kill Off 90% Of World Population Is all of this just a coincidence?Back in 2006, award winning Univ. of Texas evolutionary ecologist, Dr Eric R. Pianka, publicly stated that the use of an airborne Ebola was necessary to kill off 90 percent of the world’s population, that war and famine wasn’t sufficient to get the job done. Pianka is one of those guys who feels that humans are a virus that plagues the Earth – that we are vastly overpopulated and most of us should die. Pianka was investigated afterwards for “advocating biological terrorism.” But he’s not alone in this sick mentality… In 2007, one year after Pianka’s speech, the CDC started the process to obtain a patent on Ebola, which they achieved in 2009. Enter Bill Gates…who also owns patents on Ebola and Ebola related vaccines. Gates also publicly stated that one way to reduce the world population is through the use of vaccines. Yes, Gates is another ‘population reduction’ sicko. See the video below. Of course, Barack Obama has done everything he can to bring Ebola to the US as part of his plan to bring this country down and under control. One gets the feeling that all of this is is orchestrated. What do you think? Gates speaks about reducing the population at the end of this video: truthandaction.org/dr-eric-pianka-need-ebola-kill-90-world-population/
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 01:59:49 +0000

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