Dr. Henry Howard Holmes. I will be doing a 2 part article on - TopicsExpress


Dr. Henry Howard Holmes. I will be doing a 2 part article on him. Theres so much history on him. I will be posting the second part tomorrow. But first his beginning to the Murder Castle . Enjoy. H H Holmes was born May 16,1861. In New Hampshire. He died on May 7,1896 by hanging. His motives were life insurance money and profit for selling corpses to medical schools. He confessed to 27 murders but 200 estimated. Holmes claimed that as a young boy his classmates forced him to view and touch a human skeleton this fascinated him and soon he became obsessed with death. On July 4,1878 Holmes married Clara Lovering. They had a son named Robert. Holmes graduated from the University of Michigan Medial School in June 1884, while enrolled he stole bodies from the laboratory, disfiguring the bodies and claimed that the people were killed accidentally in order to collect insurance money from policies he took out on each person. Then he moved to Chicago to pursue a career in pharmaceuticals. On January 28,1887 while still married to Clara he married a lady by the name Myrta Belknap. Holmes yet again married another lady by the name Georgiana York on January 9,1894. He also had a relationship with Julia Smythe, the wife of one of his formal employees. Julia would later become one of his victims. Holmes arrived in Chicago in August 1886. This is where he purchased a lot across from a drug store he worked at. And thats where he built his three story block long Murder Castle. The address of the castle was 601-603 W. 63rd street. It was called the Worlds Fair hotel and opened as a hotel for the Worlds Columbian Exposition in 1893. The castle contained a maze of over 100 windowless rooms with doorways opening to brick walls, oddly angled hallways and stairways that lead to no where. Doors that only opened from the outside. And a host of other strange and labyrinthine constructions. After the completion of his hotel Holmes hired mostly females. Most became his victims. They were required to take out life insurance policies. Holmes also took many lovers whom he later killed. Some were locked in a huge soundproof bank vault near his office, where they were left to suffocate. Some were locked in soundproof bedrooms fitted with gas lines that let him asphyxiate them. The bodys were dropped by a chute that lead down to the basement, where they were dissected, stripped of their flesh and crafted into skeletons then sold to medical schools. I will be doing the second part of this article tomorrow. I will be writing of his victims and his capture. Stay tuned. Enjoy Gacys girl
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 01:50:56 +0000

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