Dr. Melano’s Support for Two Council Member Candidates. - TopicsExpress


Dr. Melano’s Support for Two Council Member Candidates. November 2, 2013 As you will consistently heard me, I do not tell others what to think and much less what to do with their lives. “You own your power!”, is one of my recurrent phrases. At the same time, in the process of all of us raising awareness of how to make our worlds better places, I am always interested in other people’s perspectives. Several of you have asked me what I think of the candidates and I can tell you only about the two who I actually met personally, even at this very last stretch in the race. I met with LIAT MEITZENHEIMER and JOANNE SCHIVLEY, and I have decided to vote for both of them. For Liat Meitzenheimer • She worked for Social Security for 38 years as a Claim Specialist in the City of Richmond, California—a town that is extremely similar to Vallejo. This may be why I sensed her sensitivity to human and social issues, as it is indeed a tough job that, if done well, inherently raises your understanding of people in need. • She has been working in the community for 17 years, and has been invested in igniting a community response to the recent police related shootings. She reported to have brought in the State Department of Justice to facilitate a series of neighborhood problem-solving gatherings in which this serious matter could be discussed. In them, the Police Department recognized the concern and reported how they were addressing the matters. Next year, there will be a follow-up to assess the progress. • When asked about the need for transparency and accountability at the City Council level, she indicated that she has conducted town hall meetings in the past, and that she would be willing to continue to do community outreach, such as her booth at the Farmer’s Market, have a periodic newsletter and attend community meetings already in place. • When asked about the threat of going back into bankrupcy, she stated that all City Employee Unions (especially the Police) will need to allow for some concessions, as the city cannot afford the salaries and retirement packages currently paid. Also, that small businesses (such as new start ups) need to be attracted to Vallejo. She would focus on the best possible use of Mare Island, as it has a lot of potential for sound business development. • With regards to preservation matters, and specifically Pacific Flyway Festival a well-known tourist attraction in Vallejo, she indicated that there are currently legal protections in place, allowing for the preservation of the portion of the wildlife habitat on Mare Island. • Regarding what our town could and should do about its Vallejans without an address, or the homeless—she mentioned that she has worked with Vallejo Together. This local organization provides meals in different locations, establishes areas where they could securily stay. Yet, she also indicated that she is committed to finding sustainable alternatives and that we need to change the multiple mis-perceptions about the homeless (i.e., all being drug addicts, etc.) • Regarding Immigration Reform, she indicated that a conversation needs to occur, as Vallejo currently has no position on this very impending matter that is directly impacting our town. She recognized that we have a large Latino and Filipino population, who contribute to our economy not only by working hard for low wages, but also spending and paying taxes—many of who are being kicked out from Napa County. • Last, but not least, I am supporting Ms. Meitzenheimer because she is a progressive, community-minded, woman of color who has administration experience. She comes across as someone authentic and ethical, and those two values are core to me. Again, this is my perspective, you make your own decisions. For Joanne Schivley • My sense and the ones of several others in the Vallejo is that she is a woman of integrity—something critical for any leader in our times. • “All my money comes from individuals”, “I don’t receive any special interest money, as I don’t want the strings they come with”, she told me, as she literally worked on thank you notes she was about to send out to donors. The information from the Vallejo City Clerk regarding Campaign finance substantiates her claim. (See attached). • She has a track record of being a sophisticated administrator, with financial savvyness. Considering that we are on our way to go back to bankrupcy, this is also essential. • When asked about how to avoid going back to bankrupcy, she mentioned the need for the Police Unions to collaborate with the city, as the compensation packages are not in line with the current economic realities. • Regarding the economic development needed in Vallejo, she proposes the following: o Demolizhing some of the abandoned buildings in Mare Island and make it a more attractive piece of land for business development. Revitalization of downtown Vallejo, as we have unique architecture and history. She mentioned the Arts and Entertainment model that Walnut Creek has as one to adapt to our community. She would collaborate with Vallejo Artistic Guild for this purpose. • When at the City Council in the past, she played a leading role in the realization of community outreach events, such as the Multicultural Inaugural Festival in 1997, the Unity Day, town hall meetings and an Art Summit in 1998 and the development of the Vallejo Community Access TV. • With regards to preservation matters, and specifically Pacific Flyway Festival a well-known tourist attraction in Vallejo, she indicated that the ponds are legally protected and that cannot be changed. • Regarding Immigration Reform, she replied that “it would be ludicrous to throw out 12 million of people” who are contributing to our economy. • The core reason, however, why I will vote for Ms. Schivley is that she comes across as a woman with sound ethics, integrity and administrative skills—all of which Vallejo can certainly use more of! She also has a track record of making a difference in our community. This historical perspective, if combined with newer and fresher leadership would be an asset to a city that indeed needs to think creatively as we move forward. Again, this is my perspective, you make your own decisions.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 21:44:39 +0000

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