Dr. Ramadan Bashardost was a presidential candidate in 2009. Days - TopicsExpress


Dr. Ramadan Bashardost was a presidential candidate in 2009. Days before his candidacy, he came to meet Joya in order to seek her support. She told him: “despite your popularity among people, I extend my condolence for your loss in the election, because in an occupied country, election has no legitimacy and the one approved by the USA government will be declared as winner. You will not win even if over 90% of people cast their vote for you…. Not the people who vote, but the ones who count will shape the results.” At the time, Dr. Bashardost did not agree with Joya. He ran for election but Karzai was announced the winner. Later Roberts Gate exposed in his book how the US officials influenced the Afghan election. In the 2014 election, fortunately Dr. Bashardost learned from his past experience, boycotted the election and in a video message announced: It is obvious that anyone chosen by the US government will be declared the winner even if he gets 1% of vote… anyone not favored by the US, is impossible to reach the presidential palace even if he get vote of the whole nation. Clip starts with parts of Dr. Bashardost’s message in which he boycotted election and asked people not to take part. Then, his comment in 2009 election calling it the most transparent election. In the end, parts of Joya’s discussion with him in 2009.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 11:29:52 +0000

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