Dr.Toms Secrets Discovered! Only for Advanced MBCers! Read, - TopicsExpress


Dr.Toms Secrets Discovered! Only for Advanced MBCers! Read, digest, destroy! The following is a detailed description of the advanced metabolic protocol I used to move from obesity to insanely lean. I do not recommend this program for newbies. However, for the advanced Boot campers( has survived a minimum of one round of Boot camp) I challenge you to apply this incredibly effective program to reach for the Next Level of health & fitness. I would not recommend applying this program for more than 30 days in a row. It will make you incredibly lean... probably the leaniest you have ever been in your life. You must use your blends throughout this program due to the amazing amount of toxins that are released from aged body cheese. DR TOMS BURN & BLAST TECHNIQUE BURN SEGMENT DAY 1-DAY 5 In the morning... Use Upgraded Metabolic Accelerator( Blood edition with 1000mg l arginine in the morning and 1000mg l-arginine with the PM at night) followed by a 3 to 5 minute Sugar Squat and 15 to 20 minutes of a Sugar Purge( Accumulators wear your sauna suits). Please refer to your GEN II Work-Book inserts that were given to you at Session three of our recent MBC . Werent there...join us in Oct call 540 966-1423 to reserve your seats. For breakfast.. Triple Burner Soup with 3 to 5 pieces of hot cheese(pepperjack, horseradish-cheddar) with 2 pieces of Ciabatta bread 3 capsules of l tyrosine Modified your Metabolic Blade by mixing in 64 oz. 3 TBSP Apple cider vinegar, 3 oz of unsweetened pink grapefruit juice, 3 oz unsweetened cranberry juice, 30 oz of unsweetened green tea, 20 oz flitered H20, 3 scoops AM blend and 1oz. lemon juice. Drink this tea throughout the day. 10 am 20 grams Whey protein (only cross-filtered never Ion exchange) mix this only in filtered H20. Lunch 6 ot 8 sardines(olive oil m or hot mustard only! never use soybean soaked fish!) on rye crackers . take 3 capsules of l tyrosine with your lunch. 20 oz of filterd H20. 4 pm Whey protein shake (mix in H20 only) Prior to dinner perform a 3 to 5 minute Sugar Squat and a 20 minute session of Sugar Purge( Accumulators put on your Sauna Suits). Dinner Bowl of Triple Burner soup without ciabatta bread with Fat burning Margarita Repeat for 5 days than move to Blast portion of process Day 6 & Day 7 Consume your Blood upgrade Metabolic accelerator( see GENII Work Book Mirror Mounted Check list). Do not perform any metabolic exercises for the next 2 days. Dr Toms Anti- Flab Jacks Low GI( bleach free) pancake mix with 4 to 6 blueberries per pancake. Fry cakes in coconut oil/olive oil mixture (one to one ratio) EAT 6 TO 8 LARGE CAKES with butter. Your goal is to fill your glycogen levels by using large amounts of good carbohydrate. After eating breakfast take 1 TBSP of L glutamine and 3 oz of Kefir(Bloat Blocker) to load the carbohydrates into your muscles. Feel the muscle it should be rock hard by the end of the day. Drink 20 oz of water with breakfast. Consume you modified Metabolic Blade blend tea. 10 am 3 rice cakes with Almond Butter. Lunch Large bowl of spinach or wheat paste(bleach free) with Kerrys Irish Gold butter and a large ciabatta roll.Drink 20 0z of filtered water. Consume one ounce ACV to help you digest your food. Beginning to bloat add the Bloat Blocker( 1 TBSP l glutamine with 3 oz. Kefir) 4 pm sweet potatoe stuff with butter and cinnamon. If you are really daring stuff it with Almond butter. Dinner is as many metabolic Hot wings as you can eat with a ciabatta roll. 20 oz of H20 . Your goal is to put on 2 to 3 pounds on this over the weekend. The more you put on the more fat you will burn during the Burn portion of the program. Repeat the Burn portion day 1 through day 5 over and over again until 4 weeks have gone by. Discontunue after this period of time. Consider a breath mint in respect for your fellow coworkers...the sardines stink to high heaven. Finish this day by drying shooting the PM blend with 1000mg l arginine( this stuff is great for me in elevating my HDL levels) follow wit a chaser of trat cherry juice. Repeat for 4 cycles. Keys to success 1. Dont crash your core: Check your core temp during your Burn days. If it begins to plummet( drops under 97.5) stop the Burn day protocols and move to the Blast day. 2. Accumulators beware of salt loading: As you all are already aware of salt is your enemy. use only sardines soaking in olive oil, stay away from the mustard soaked. 3. Dumpers and Bloaters: always use your Bloat Blocker if your tummy starts to swell. Remember,when your bloating get ready for a fat coating... put the fire out fast to prevent the damage this GI swell causes. Drink that Bloat Blocker immediately! If you know you are sensitive to bloat and you are eating a large meal proactively consume your Bloat Blocker prior to ingesting the meal. 4. Discontinue this advanced program if you crash your blood sugars! This is only for advanced healthy Boot campers! Do not tell the newbies! See you guys Oct 2014 for GENII register at 540 966-1423 God Bless Dr T
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 09:57:39 +0000

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