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Dr. Turi M.D.U.S. Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and Astropsychology Skip to content HOME STORE REFERENCE BIO DR. TURI POSTS FAQS EVENTS AND RADIO SHOW What’s Next For Edward Snowden? “There are specific Universal Laws designed by God – Consciousness – is the awareness of a divine cosmic power and use it wisely to build emotional, financial and spiritual stability!” Read the future - Watch the future! Edward Joseph Snowden (born June 21, 1983) is a former technical contractor and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee who worked for Booz Allen Hamilton, a contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA), before leaking details of classified NSA mass surveillance programs to the press. Ecuador: Snowden asking for asylum Edward Snowden is a wanted man. He left Hong Kong for Russia and is now looking for his next stop, out of reach of American law. FULL STORY Dear Readers; Before elaborating on Paula Ann Hiers Deen racial slurs let’s start with something much more important! As you know, since I had the visit of two FBI agents, anything and everything I generate in my Cosmic Code newsletters are is automatically viewed by the Department of Homeland Security and now of course the NSA. But because of the crucial sensitive information I will divulge in this particular article about Edward Snowdenls psyche and fate, I can not make this work public and only my VIP’s (and the FBI) will enjoy my “visions.” To the perplexed newcomers to my work, I am not a psychic or a born Neptunian, I do not use snake oil or own a magic crystal ball, in fact I use a modified software to expose the divine and the news. Check the values of my current prediction for June 25/26/27 2013 once all my “visions” transpire and judge for yourself if I should be taken seriously or not! You may also investigate my predictive work prior to trust me with the impending fate of Mr. Snowden and by catching up with the current “Scorpius Draconis” phenomenon. This cosmic energy if fully responsible for all secrets affairs coming public while offering serious “wake up calls” to all governmental parties involved. Again I do not expect the God fearing, rational, logical controlling media to help me popularize nor perceive the truth pertaining to this “Scorpius Draconis” manifesto sought only as ridiculous pseudo-science. The choice is yours reader, to either upgrade your vibrational psychical perception of the divine or fall short of expanding your own natal dense UCI. I will explain in great details what’s next for Edward Snowden, for the countries who have helped him and what the repercussions for the USA these divulged secrets will do to the people and national security. I will also offer my own counselling to the US authorities and explain why all the actions against Mr. Snowden should be revised and changed before it become too late and become dramatically beneficial for this country’s worse enemies… I could pronounce my “visions” as highly classified and of a major importance for the fate of the United States of America. You will find much of my predictive work and expectation in “2014/2016 Arian Draconis” and “25 predictions that will change the world.“ JOIN NOW DO NOT MISS SUCH IMPORTANT INFORMATION PLANET POSITION (HOUSE) DIGNITIES Sun 29Gem33 (1) Moon 15Sco11 (6) fall Mercury 10Gem33 (1) dignity Venus 14Leo49 (3) Mars 24Gem43 (1) Jupiter 03Sag08 (7) dignity Saturn 27Lib48 (5) exalted Uranus 06Sag11 (7) Neptune 27Sag49 (7) Pluto 26Lib46 (5) detriment (modern) Dragon’s Head 24Gem47 (1) DRagon’s Tail 24Sag47 (7) IN MUTUAL RECEPTION: None DISPOSITORS: Sun disposited by Mercury Jupiter disposited by Jupiter Moon disposited by Pluto Saturn disposited by Venus Mercury disposited by Mercury Uranus disposited by Jupiter Venus disposited by Sun Neptune disposited by Jupiter Mars disposited by Mercury Pluto disposited by Venus ASPECT PATTERNS: None SIGN MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent Cardinal 3 25 % Fixed 3 25 % Mutable 6 50 % SIGN ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent Fire 4 33 % Earth 0 0 % Air 5 42 % Water 3 25 % IN CRITICAL DEGREES: (Mansions of the Moon): Sun MOON PHASE: Gibbous MOON LATITUDE: 03 N 24 MOON DISTANCE: 388704.3 km. Average Distance MOON SPEED: 12.86767 deg/day Slow Speed OUT-OF-BOUNDS DECLIN.: Mars DOMINANT CHART HARMONICS: ODD LOWER-ORDER: 7 0.98957 3 0.99167 EVEN LOWER-ORDER: 8 0.97519 2 0.98345 ODD HIGHER-ORDER: 123 0.93413 59 0.95403 EVEN HIGHER-ORDER: 16 0.90754 136 0.94032 Paula Ann Hiers Deen Cosmic Ignorance
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 16:01:45 +0000

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516234">Sensationalist headline for a sensational article. --- Ryan’s
Im probably going to get some flack, but its in the spirit of

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