Dr Uju Confy Okorie wrote a new note: IN DROPS... AND IN - TopicsExpress


Dr Uju Confy Okorie wrote a new note: IN DROPS... AND IN EXCESS! I will never forget the precious teacher of mine who gave me very strong foundations in science. Mrs Oluigbo was equal to ten textbooks of Chemistry and she taught with exceptional zest, style and facts. My friends and I who attended her Chemistry lessons would forever remain grateful to her. But, Mrs Oluigbo was not only a Chemistry teacher to me. She was a mentor, a counsellor and a beautiful Christian woman. She taught me many principles of life and living, marriage and family, Christianity and excellence. We had lots of practical lessons and observed lots of chemical reactions under her tutelage. One of the things she said frequently and which filled the pages of my notes is “In drops… and in excess.” When qualitative analysis procedures were performed in the labs, the reagents were usually added to the substances under observation in drops and then a colour change was observed. This colour change was noted and then the reagent was added in excess with a different colour change observed. In your quest for excellence, dear friend, it is important that you realize that you would encounter stiff oppositions, chief among which is what I refer to as the puppet-string phenomenon. A good deal of people love to associate themselves with people of excellence and a few of them try to gain control over the budding prodigy. Speaking about control and manipulation, someone once said: “If you don’t give them the gun, they cannot pull the trigger.” It is indeed an established fact that control over our lives is a quality exclusively available to us and that the choice is entirely ours to hand that control over to anyone, even to the Almighty God. Isn’t that why we tell our yet-to-believe friends to “Hand over their lives to the Lord Jesus and let Him be the Lord…?” It is therefore necessary that you determine who controls you. I made that choice some 18 years ago when I relinquished that control to Jesus Christ and I determined along the way NEVER to let anyone subtly or overtly take that away from Him. You see, friend, when manipulators come your way, they operate in drops. That is, they try in small ways and check for a colour change. They try some seemingly trivial emotional blackmail: “I am your friend, you should listen to me.” And watch for a “positive reaction.” This is usually a softening up on your part and then, the game begins! The manipulator begins his job in excess and if you do not stiffly oppose his moves, your life would be ruined before you know it. We encounter them every day and everywhere. They come in form of friends, relatives, potential spouses and most regrettably, spiritual leaders. But the style is the same: In drops… and in excess! The lady who gave in to her fiance’s sinful demands, got pregnant, aborted and died….Watch it. It began in drops… and then in excess! The brilliant university student who joined the cult, went for an operation, got shot and died…Watch it. It began in drops… and then in excess! The man who ruined his home on the advice of his “pastor” (a wolf in shepherd’s clothing)… Watch it. It began in drops… and then in excess! You cannot afford to hand your precious life to someone who has no idea about why you were created, someone who knows nothing about the gifts and talents the Lord has put within you. When you hand your life to whom it is due, you will sure be subject to his commands and delight to obey all his words. I am talking about the Lord Jesus. But for those on the other side, who seek control like ravening wolves, do put them in their proper place. Be firm and resolute like Daniel and his friends. And do not forget their subtle technique: In drops… and in excess! Every blessing!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 17:08:10 +0000

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