Dr. Wakefield is a hero to the autism community. He does not quit. - TopicsExpress


Dr. Wakefield is a hero to the autism community. He does not quit. There are lots of doctors who know what vaccines are really doing to our children, but they remain silent. It takes a special kind of courage to stand by the truth and have your career and your reputation destroyed. Wakefield has been a constant presence at the annual Autism One Conference in Chicago since its beginning and this years talk, the Legacy of Vaccine Injury, was empowering for the parents who were there. While the media continues the pretense that all the science is in and parents should have no fears about vaccinating their children, Wakefield is out there challenging both the claims of vaccine safety and efficacy. And hes not going away. Despite the fact that, as he said, hes a disenfranchised scientist, he talked about his current work in filmmaking. Hes out to educate parents who are new to the controversy, but none-the-less worried. He has, as he said, the most extraordinary stories to tell. Films are a most important medium because, according to Wakefield, the story of just one person has more of an impact than talking about what happened to a million people. It can persuade the agnostic. Wakefield made it clear that while the vaccine makers continue to promote their products, the tide is turning against them. Dr. Andrew Wakefield breaks silence on #CDCWhistleblower - YouTube ► 13:32► 13:32 youtube/watch?v=oPTxDzsVvyY Aug 28, 2014 - Uploaded by NextNewsNetwork In fact, it was HIS research that started a lot of this talk years ago. Our guest today is Dr. Andrew ... Dr Andrew Wakefield tells his side of the story in the MMR Vaccine causes Autism debate - YouTube ► 71:12► 71:12 youtube/watch?v=Ra0QtTUuFIc May 29, 2013 - Uploaded by Muslims and the World In an appearance at Brave New Books, Dr. Andrew Wakefield is finally given a chance to ... Dr. Andrew Wakefield response to the measles outbreak in South Wales - YouTube ► 16:22► 16:22 youtube/watch?v=d7kbWfsygG4 Apr 16, 2013 - Uploaded by AutismMediaChannel Dr Wakefield responds to UK public health officials call for censorship on MMR vaccine safety ... Vaccines and Autism -- Dr. Andrew Wakefield Vindicated in Court Trials - YouTube ► 42:21► 42:21 youtube/watch?v=LgWkhWkd_vo Sep 6, 2013 - Uploaded by EugenicsWatch callous-disregard/ wesupportandywakefield/ http:/ /www ... Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Andrew Wakefield on His MMR Study - YouTube ► 85:13► 85:13 youtube/watch?v=d40suCKnjbI Jun 21, 2012 - Uploaded by Mercola Natural health expert Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Andrew Wakefield talks
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 21:11:23 +0000

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