Dr. Wayne Dyer said “Attitude is everything, so pick a good - TopicsExpress


Dr. Wayne Dyer said “Attitude is everything, so pick a good one” Dear Friends and Family, We have faced a challenging week! It took a lot of prayer to keep me from directing focus onto the things that could go wrong; instead of what will go right. Thankfully, Kinnie has been strong enough for the both of us through Gods grace. The brain scan Kinnie had five weeks ago revealed many new spots. We repeated the scan last week to get an idea of how the tumors were growing. The doctors confirmed it was more cancer. One of the tumors had grown from 1cm to 3.2cm. This was alarming growth. Treatment needed to start right away. UT Southwestern offered Kinnie to enter a trials program that would minimize the effects of the needed Whole Brain Radiation Treatment (WBRT). The trial is a modified WBRT. It’s a great concept targeting the tumors with 40% radiation and hitting the rest of the brain with only 20%. The crucial Hippocampus area is spared the heavy radiation, and only receives less than 16%. This is awesome because the Hippocampus is where you create new memories, store short-term memories and controls Dementia and Alzheimer. Of course this is all coming from my laymen’s understanding. So if you’re a medical person don’t score me. Good news- Yesterday the doctors concluded that the single tumor they thought had grown by 3X was in reality a cluster of small tumors that the imaging did not connect. This means none of the tumors are growing at any significant rate. Kinnie has completed his 5th radiation treatment with 5 more to go. He is experiencing some mild headaches and fatigue but is otherwise doing great. He is maintaining his weight and feisty as ever. “No West! No matter what your dad says he is not skydiving with you next week!” Tonight we are resting in God’s Peace. Kinnie has given me a gift better than any jewel, more rare than a white lion; he never reminds me he has cancer. In fact I often forget because he never complains. We live life. We have fun, we laugh, we play and we strategize and plan our future. I can’t imagine what it would be like to get up every day to be met by a person that has one foot in the grave. I am comforted knowing that Kinnie has handed this worry to God and we have agreed that any outcome is to His Glory. It has been said, “The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude”. I have to agree. Soli Deo Gloria” Sheri Gibson
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 23:11:19 +0000

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