DrGideonPolya Posted Friday, March 14, 2014 - 14:00 The Right - TopicsExpress


DrGideonPolya Posted Friday, March 14, 2014 - 14:00 The Right Labor demand for US-style primaries is yet more evidence of an increasing Americanisation of Australia in addition to the common pro-war, pro-Zionist, slavish US lackey, anti-envrironment , pro-fossil fuels, anti-science, effective climate change denialist, anti-Asian, refugee-abusing, human rights-abusing position of the Liberal-National Party Coalition and most of the Labor Party (collectively aka the Lib-Labs or Liberal-Laborals). This progressive Americanisation - but not, unfortunately in terms of decent, progressive American positions opposed to burning Asian children to death with bombs, napalm and phosphorus - was hugely stimulated by the CIA-backed Coup against Whitlam, the US vetoing of Mark Latham over Iraq and the US-approval for the Mining Industry-backed, pro-Zionist-led Coup against PM Kevin Rudd - and has culminated in Australian Intelligence spying on Australians and the world for the US and Apartheid Israel, Labor Cabinet MPs reporting directly to the Zionist US Ambassador, and 2,500 yellow, mother-abusing, child-killing Marines based in Darwin (see Gideon Polya, “50 Ways Australian Intelligence Spies On Australia And The World For UK , Israeli And US State Terrorism”, Countercurrents, 11 December 2013: countercurrents.org/polya111213.htm ). The 60% of MPs supporting Right wing Shorten Labor suggests that at the moment circa 60% of successful pre-selection candidates selected by 100% Labor Party members will be right-wing ALP (Alternative Liberal Party, Another Liberal Party, American Lackey Party) candidates - one supposes that an even higher percentage of Labor Right candidates will obtain if only 50% of pre-selection voters are Labor and most of the remainder are salivating Abbott Tea Party supporters. Another reason for decent Australians who dont believe in mass murder of Asian children ( about 20 million Asian kids killed so far from violence or from violently-imposed deprivation in Australia-complicit, post-1950 US Asian wars) to vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last (Labor is almost as bad as the Coalition but one supposes that at least a majority of Labor Party members know that mass murder of Asian children is wrong).
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 07:12:39 +0000

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