Draft Constitution For Khilafah State - TopicsExpress


Draft Constitution For Khilafah State #MuslimArmies4Gaza INTERNAL SECURITY Article 70 The Department of Internal Security oversees everything connected with security, and preventing that might threaten the internal security. It maintains the security in the country by means of the police; and it does not use the army for this purpose except by the permission of the Khaleefah. The head of this department is called (head of Interior Security). This department has branches in the provinces (wilayaat), which are called directorates of Interior security, and the head of the directorate in the province is called (Saahib ush-Shurtah). Article 71 Police (Shurtah) is made of two sections: Military police which follows the Ameer of Jihad, ie the War department; and the police that work with the ruler to protect the interior department. Both of these police sections are given special training and special culture that help them to undertake their duties efficiently. Article 72 The most important matters that threaten the internal security, which the department of internal security manages, are: apostasy, transgression, rebellion, aggression against peoples properties, aggressions against peoples lives and honor, dealing with people suspected of spying to the warring unbelievers.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 10:48:50 +0000

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