Draft _______ _________ for House District 99 2016! Over the - TopicsExpress


Draft _______ _________ for House District 99 2016! Over the course of Texas Republican Convention, I got the chance to catch up with a young man I volunteered for here locally in 2012 for a Precinct Commissioners seat. Found out he is moving from his current home over to House District 99 which is Charlie Gerens District. This Patriot is a strong Conservative with Tea Party cred! Ole Charlie lets say is not rated really well by strong conservative groups like: Texas Eagle Forum / Cathie Adams which scored him at 70% (83rd Tx Lege) Empower Texans / Michael Quinn Sullivan which scored him at 37% (83rd Tx Lege) Young Conservatives of Texas which scored him at 46% (83rd Tx Lege) Tarrant County has Texas House Districts 90-99. 2 of those are Democrat (90 & 95) The rest are Republican. Of the 8 Republican seats - 7 seats are held by strong - Conservative Grassroots / Tea Party backed candidates. These are some of the most Conservative House Representatives, consistently scored A+ or better by the above mentioned groups and the base of core Reps that went into office in 2013. They are Joe Strauss worst nightmare. I have ZERO doubt that the individual I am wanting to urge to run would be among his peers and scoring consistently the same. Stephanie Klick HD91 Jonathan Stickland HD92 Matthew Krause HD93 Tony Tinderholt HD94 elect* Bill Zedler HD96 Craig Goldman HD97 Giovanni Capriglione HD98 and then there is ole Charlie Geren (HD99) - the last of the RINO, Joe Straus Lieutenants with a poor record of supporting real conservative values. This young man I suggest would be a very good addition to the 7 AWESOME Representatives we have in Tarrant and round out Tarrant Delegation to Austin. I am going to withhold his name for now - but I certainly think it is doable. If we get started now raising money, laying the ground work, setting up coffees around HD99, getting to know the citizens of HD99 and point out Geren pitiful record - I think it could be done! Let me introduce you Patriots to Charlie Geren and you tell me! Does he need to go? Charlie Geren is one of the main henchmen in the circle of lackluster House leaders. During the 81st Legislative Session in 2009, Geren threw campaign promises of fiscal responsibility out of the window, voting for reckless bills like paying state employees to perform community services, or subsidizing the cost of refrigerators through the Department of Agriculture. He also voted to expand the Children’s Health Insurance Program to 300% of poverty -- equivalent to a $66,000 income for a family of four. Even after Republicans won a super-majority of seats in 2010, Charlie Geren stayed loyal to Speaker Joe Straus, and was rewarded with the chairmanship of the House Administrations Committee. He refused to support common-sense private property protections like a “necessary takings” clause or “buyback” provision to reduce abuses of power by entities with eminent domain authority. He voted to create new energy programs and bureaucracy that interfere in the marketplace and opposed measures to make the state budgeting process more transparent. Geren partners with other Straus lackeys in the Metroplex to oppose new conservative candidates. It’s time to replace Charlie Geren with a true conservative leader. cc Matt Armstrong
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 23:06:43 +0000

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