Draft of the Declaration of the National Convention of Left - TopicsExpress


Draft of the Declaration of the National Convention of Left Parties. Excerpt: The country requires an alternative. Such an alternative can emerge only on the basis of alternative policies. There has to be an alternative policy platform around which a political alternative can be built. The Left parties have set out such an alternative policy platform in the economic, political and social spheres. The main features of such an alternative platform are: 1. Implementation of land reform measures, distribution of surplus land to the landless, ensuring house sites to each landless household. End to forcible land acquisition. Remunerative prices for farmers and cheap credit based on Swaminathan Commission Report. 2. Stepping up public investment for infrastructure and setting up manufacturing and other industries for more employment. Nationalisation of mining and oil resources. 3. Plug loopholes in taxation measures and ensure collection of legitimate taxes; regulation of speculative financial flows into the country; stop the opening up of financial sector. No FDI in retail trade. 4. Introduction of universal public distribution system with 35 kgs of foodgrains at a maximum price of Rs. 2 a kg per month for all families. Food Security law should be passed to ensure this. 5. Separation of religion and State as the basic principle of secularism to be embedded in the constitution; firm action to curb communal forces. 6. Increasing allocations for education and health. Stop privatization of education and health services. Guarantee implementation of Right to Education Act. 7. Firm measures to curb high level corruption; enact Lokpal legislation with independent powers of investigation. Electoral reforms. 8. Equal rights for women in all spheres. One-third reservation for women in Parliament and legislatures; protection of rights of dalits and extension of reservation for SC/STs in the private sector. Implementation of Ranganath Mishra Commission on reservation for minorities. Protection of Fifth and Sixth Schedule rights for adivasis. 9. Rights of the working classes - enforcement of fair minimum wage and social security measures. End contractualisation and casualisation of labour. 10. Adopt an independent foreign policy.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 07:03:48 +0000

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