Dragon Con Board Rules 1. No crowdfunding requests. (Exceptions - TopicsExpress


Dragon Con Board Rules 1. No crowdfunding requests. (Exceptions to this rule will be rare and will only be considered if the request comes from the Con itself) 2. No advertising for anything that has nothing to do with geek culture or the con itself. Any ads for sneakers, sunglasses or similar spam will result in an immediate, permanent ban. 3. Ads for geek oriented products, podcasts, webcasts, novels, videos or conventions will be limited to one per person or event at a time. If you have already shared your link to your cast, event, etc then it your responsibility to remove that post before you post a new one. If the mods have to remove one or more they will not search through the board to find the oldest ones. They will remove the one you just posted. If it happens more than a couple of times you will be removed from the board. 4. Personal attacks against other Con attendees is not cool. People who make a habit of personal attacks will be removed. Posts including personal attacks will be removed. Threads which degenerate into a pile of back and forth insults will be removed. 5. Events which are promoted to coincide and compete with Dragon Con events will not be promoted here. 6. Some subjects always lead to arguments and fights on the board and add nothing except grief to our usually peaceful community. Politics and religion are topics which aren’t welcome on the board. I love to debate those things as much as anyone…But the DragonCon board is not the place to do so. 7. Don’t block moderators of the room. If they need to contact you to have you remove something or to give a private warning and you have blocked them, their only recourse is to remove the item and person. 8. We exist independently from the Con itself as a private board. However, If we are requested by a representative of DragonCon to remove a particular post for a good reason that is not reflected in the rules above, we will show the courtesy to do so. 9. Rules are subject to change at any time as conditions on the board warrant.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 15:42:26 +0000

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