Dragonfly Summons Changes Jim from Healing Mirror Holders at - TopicsExpress


Dragonfly Summons Changes Jim from Healing Mirror Holders at https://facebook/groups/SharonJim/ Say something about this if you wish... On the same day that I had a bald eagle fly into my chest - which I wrote about that day - I had another encounter with a winged friend: a dragonfly. I love it when animal guides show up and combine their energies - and their messages. I was sitting in my office preparing for a radio show we had coming up. And writing a few notes on spiritual issues I intended to write about soon. Sue was in the other room listening to music as she worked on her computer. The air conditioning was on because it was oddly hot for Colorado. At least it was what used to be oddly hot for here. Who knows what the new ‘norms’ may be as we continue to cause climate change with our destructive and consumptive behaviors. I was thinking about this and some other tracks, when I heard a loud buzzing. Different than a fly or bee or wasp. I looked around, but saw nothing. So I went back to my writing. A few minutes later I again heard this high-pitched whine or buzz - almost like something was speaking to me. I thought I caught some motion out of the corner of my eye and stood up to look behind me. As I did I sensed something flying straight at me. All this happened very quickly and I no sooner sensed, more than saw, something coming at me as I felt it hit me right on my forehead. Directly in the spiritual place of my third eye. And then it was gone. As I looked around I saw a dragonfly across the room from me - only a few feet away as my office is quite small. He dove and was gone. Sue asked what I was doing, since she could see me through the door. And I told her a dragonfly had just hit me in the third eye. She came in and we both looked for our visitor but could not see him anywhere. I sat down and Sue returned to her work. And quickly heard the dragonfly creating his sound again. Looking around again I spotted him on the blinds covering the front window. I got my camera out and he posed for a picture. A very odd dragonfly indeed. His back half curled underneath him and almost dragged as he flew. And I realized he was the type of dragonfly Sharon had sent me pictures of from Israel. Even stranger, since I had never seen this variety before. Maybe others have. I told Sue he had landed and she came in with a jar and a piece of paper to capture him and release him to the outdoors. This we felt important for his survival, with no food source inside, and because he had landed looking out the window. As we went to capture him for a moment so the release could proceed he dove down behind the desk. We waited - but no return. I continued to watch to no avail. Later I moved everything around, but no curled under dragonfly was to be seen. Gone. So in one day I had this encounter and the bald eagle, carrying a fish in her talons, rush from high grass and bounce off my chest. The dragonfly being a totem of rebirth and paying attention to everything around you. So you see what really is occurring in your space. He has the second largest eyes on the planet - only the octopus has larger. “All the better to see you with, my dear?” Hmmm… the wicked wolf words? Ah, fairy tales used to spread lies about people and creatures. Oh well, that is for a writing another day. And the eagle characteristics of healing, creation and strength. When the eagle totem appears it is an offer to align yourself with eagle medicine and become much more than you think you are or seem to be. To accept this higher spiritual power you must be willing to fly between realms, touch all lives with healing and become a bearer of new creative force within the world (Animal Speak, Ted Andrews). That night I entered a new level of rebirth - a physically painful one and mentally challenging one. I began to retrace old pains and illnesses as well as emotional and psychological wounds. It has been proceeding for a week now and the intensity is difficult to take. I go out several times a day and walk in nature and connect with sky above and earth below. It has allowed me to take the pain and allow the clearing to come through. I am paying attention and asking those closest to me for help with the symptoms so the pain and fear it creates does not distract me from releasing and seeing the causes. Many are having experiences with other creatures now - or plants, rocks, the elements and so on. Don’t miss what they can teach you. The messages from my two winged friends has allowed me to better understand and accept and tolerate what is going on with my psyche this week. A beautiful gift. And more to come I am certain. These remarkable encounters were not to just prepare me for the pain of rebirth and change I am certain. I’m waiting for the rest of the story to unfold. Giving thanks.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 01:43:08 +0000

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min-height:30px;"> It is true what my grandfather use to say.you cant trust a single

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