Drama Unfolds at Kitwe City Council By: Charles - TopicsExpress


Drama Unfolds at Kitwe City Council By: Charles Sakala Intimidation of union leaders has now taken root at the Kitwe City Council (KCC) where management has now instituted what they are calling disciplinary action against union leaders who led fellow workers in a prolonged work stoppage over delayed salaries. According to sources, instructions were issued from senior government officials to punish union leaders who instigated the strike action. This is according to sources from Kitwe letters of suspension delivered to the affected workers. The KCC management has suspended two officials from the Zambia United Local Authority Workers Union (ZULAWU) executive who have been linked to the strike action, which affected operations of the local authority. On Monday this week, council workers went on strike to press for salaries because the management was remitting their emoluments late but they had to survive the rising cost of living in Zambia. The workers from KCC who have been sent away from employment is ZULAWU Kitwe branch deputy secretary a Mr Stephen Kamponge, who works as a land warden while the other union official a Mr Joshua Phiri from the council’s engineering section. The duo has been forced t go on half salary and they would have to exculpate themselves before a disciplinary committee. The letters of suspension indicate suspension given to Kamponge and Phiri alleged that on June 3, 2013 the duo, with other members of ZULAWU Kitwe branch locked the KCC council offices and instructed other workers to go on an illegal strike action. The suspension letters were authored and endorsed by the acting director of Housing and Social Services Tony Kapesha and director of Engineering Services a Mr M. Muchuu respectively. “Your conduct led to disruption of provision of council services and loss of revenue as if this was not enough, the you also ensured that the council’s clinic was closed when this was an area that provided essential services to the residents. You may wish to be educated that the issue of nonpayment of salaries does not only affect Kitwe City Council, but all other local authorities in the country. Despite such a situation obtaining in all other local authorities, there is no industrial disturbance anywhere except for Kitwe. It ought to be made clear to you that inciting of workers to proceed on an illegal strike or work stoppage is a serious offence as stipulated in the conditions of service and this attracts serious consequences,” part of the letter reads. According to the suspension letters, management was left with no option but to suspend the two with immediate effect. The two council employees were instructed to exculpate themselves within seven working days after receipt of the suspension letters to explain why stern disciplinary action should not be taken against them and the documents were carbon copied to provincial local government officer and Permanent Secretary in the ministry of local government and housing. When contacted Kamponge and Phiri sad they would respond to the suspension letters served to them. They said intimidation of workers would not work, but the council management must just ensure that they pad workers salaries on time because there were adequate resources for all employees but these funds were being lavished on top management officials.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 07:04:47 +0000

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