Dramione HC by ღ JustAnotherPrincess ღ Now, can anybody - TopicsExpress


Dramione HC by ღ JustAnotherPrincess ღ Now, can anybody tell me what characteristics the Amortentia potion possesses? asked Slughorn, patting his huge belly as he surveyed the confused faces in the room. To no-ones surprise Hermiones hand shot into the air. Ah miss Granger, he acknowledged, nodding his head in her direction. Amortentia is a clear colourless liquid which induces the feeling of strong obsession which some mistake for love. Furthermore, it smells differently to each individual person of what attracts them the most. Hermione recited without taking a breath. Correct! Slughorn beamed, 10 points to Gryffindor. Harry saw the familiar reassuring smile appear on Hermiones face as it always did whenever she answered a question correctly. It was as though she didnt actually realise how intelligent she was, Harry mildly thought to himself. He noticed Ron studying her at the same time, oblivious to all else. For the 100th time Harry wondered how deep his feelings were for Hermione and whether anything would happen. In the next moment a frown shadowed Rons face as Hermiones expression changed. She had looked up for half a second to find the Slytherins sniggering at her from across the room. A blush appeared upon her cheeks as she looked down in embarassment. Harry touched her arm, getting her attention. Ignore them, Harry whispered, youre brilliant. Hermione smiled in response and turned her attention back to Slughorn. Ron rolled his eyes at Harry over her head and they both turned their attentions back to Slughorn as well. Later, a stray thought crossed Harrys mind. Draco hadnt joined in with the other Slytherins. The thought was forgotten as soon as it appeared, not important enough to focus on. After the lesson Harry and Ron headed down to lunch alone after shouted excuses of the library from Hermione as she half ran down the corridor away from them. How can Hermione think more about work than food? Ron complained through a mouthful of beef stew. After dinner they made their way to their next lesson, assuming Hermione would meet them there. Seeing a commotion on the 4th floor Harry and Ron decided to avoid it by taking one of their secret shortcuts. They pulled away the ancient tapestry and travelled down the small corridor. As they got closer to the exit hushed voices reached them. Harry and Ron were unable to make out what the two were saying but could tell it was an argument. Turning the corner Harry could make out the first figure, Draco Malfoy. Assuming it was one of his cronies they continued to listen unseen until they realised it was a girls voice speaking back. Out of curiosity they edged a bit closer eager to see who it was. Before they took two steps Draco kissed the girl with such ferocity Harry felt embarassed to be watching. Dracos hand travelled down the girls body to rest upon her waist, the other entangled in her brown, bushy hair. Harry gestured to Ron that they should turn back but his friends ears were a deep shade of red. Harry looked to where Rons gaze was locked, unsure of what had angered him so. As the couple drew apart he realised. It was Hermione.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 12:58:17 +0000

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