Drawn By The Cross Towering above New York Harbor is the - TopicsExpress


Drawn By The Cross Towering above New York Harbor is the Statue of Liberty. That stately lady, with freedom’s torch held high, has beckoned millions of people who were choking from the stifling air of tyranny or oppression... that monument that symbolizes peoples freedom. Inscribed on the Lady Liberty’s pedestal are words by Emma Lazarus from her poem “The New Colossus”: Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore; Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door. These words used for just this symbol. A different monument towers over the history of the world, offering spiritual freedom to enslaved peoples everywhere. It’s sublime, true, and outstanding. It is the sacrifice of JESUS at the cross. Hung 2,000 years ago, remembered as the Only One who won the war against evil forces. Also the Only One capable to take away sin and the GIVER of strength to do all things, Fil. 4:13. At first the scene repels us. A bloody man hung with HIS wounds all opened, scraped, and deep enough to expose HIS inner tissue... But this is not a common man... As Christians, we see more than a man... HE is the sinless Son of God dying in our place for our sins. HE gave us a prize we are not worth of -salvation... a prize given to all sinners freeely, a love token that saves us from the worlds trap... From the cross we hear the words “Father, forgive them” (Luke 23:34) and “It is finished!” (John 19:30). As we trust in Christ as our Savior, the heavy burden of guilt rolls from our sin-weary souls. We are free for all eternity, as we decide to follow HIM and accept HIS precepts. We must remember we have two paths. The choice we need to make will be our acceptance or rejection of this great loving sacrifice. Have you heard and responded to the invitation of the only MAN resurrected from the cross today? — MIST Lord Jesus, SON of GOD, GOD with us, I know I’m a sinner and I cannot save myself or others. I need YOU as my LORD and SAVIOR, as the path, way, truth, and life... I ask YOU to light my life with YOUR presence and direction. Thank YOU for dying in my place, rising again, and sending the COUNSELOR. I believe in YOU. Please set me free from all my sin. I want to live with YOU here and in heaven as YOU come in the clouds in YOUR second coming. Give me strength to spread YOUR Word so that others may know YOU. Amen. Our greatest freedom is freedom from sin.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 17:39:04 +0000

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