Dream 1 I was on a small island shaped like north America. Other - TopicsExpress


Dream 1 I was on a small island shaped like north America. Other distant islands were shaped like the other continents, on a flat landscape. The ocean between the islands was filled with large, man-eating crocodiles. There were other men dressed like Prohibition era gangsters; hats pulled low, double-breasted, pin striped suits and fancy shoes. One man, wearing maroon, was a vicious, Al Capone-type, kingpin. He forced men into the crocodile infested water to die. I could fly low, breaststroke through the air, but it was arduous and dangerous. The kingpin was pushed into the water and only I could save him. He looked at me, smiled and laughed nervously. I reached way out and pulled him to shore, but left a foot in the water. We watched as the crocs converged on him. I made no further effort, and last we saw a croc was spinning him down under the water. Then I flew to safety on another continent. Dream 2 (late night, buttered popcorn) I was an old man in a college dorm. I couldnt hide my white hair. I was in a basement recreation/ TV room with young, attractive college kids. They were lounging in thick, comfortable sofas and chairs. I tried to fit in, but was mocked. I found a spot on the floor next to a pretty coed and pretended to be asleep. I felt a comforting hand on my leg, but could hear derisive talk. Soon I was in a deep slumber, aware of that comforting touch. Something turned dreadful.. and I fought to wake up. When I did, I was in my own bed, alone and relieved. Dream 3: paragliding... landing on the edge of a cliff.. dangling precariously over the edge.. then climbing to safety up the ropes. Dream 4: at Brother in Laws house, with college-aged nieces. One niece is exasperated because, though she has a degree, she cant get a job and doesnt know what she wants to do. I say, see, all that time wasted in school? She could have been out as a youngster observing what people do in the world while pursuing studies of interest. Brother in Law started to cry and I felt bad. (BTW, this dream is not true.. all my nieces have college degrees and are gainfully employed.) Dream 5: I was in the Village Green, where I grew up, talking to Leona (or Missy). I said Ive know you since I was a year old and I remember. Years have gone by, but there is an unbreakable bond. She smiled and nodded in agreement. (Cant say why I still dream about childhood girlfriends I havent seen since I was 9)
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 03:39:25 +0000

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