Dream: I was laying in my bed when I saw a creature that looked - TopicsExpress


Dream: I was laying in my bed when I saw a creature that looked like it was made of burnt coal climb my bed. I then had salt in my hand and threw it over this demon and it disappeared. Then I was in a dark, confined space overlooking my bedroom and those demons came behind me. I took salt and poured it over them and they froze and one froze as it was biting my hand. A lot of the demons had filled my room and I threw salt all over them and then people radiating with a bright light took their place. Symbolisms: • Bedroom: Place of rest and sleep as well as intimacy. God shows us our rest in Christ; peace and equity which is initiated through His law of grace and truth and sustained through the spirit (see rooms). (S8W Dream Symbolism Glossary) • Demons: Represent the kingdom of darkness which presence we can feel when Satan casts his shadow (when we experience troubling thought patterns) in the resistance phase of our cycles of growth. • Salt: Charity • Dark confined space: A dark and confined space represents a very small cavern the Lord is addressing for healing. • People radiating with a bright light: Holy angels/ ministering spirits. Comments: This regeneration dream shows the power of charity to overcome the kingdom of darkness that bombards us with its presence in the resistance phase of our cycles of growth and attempts to rob us of our peace and rest, and the reward of more grace through the ministration of holy angels just as Jesus was rewarded with the ministry of angels after He was tested in the wilderness (Matthew 4:11).
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 18:00:10 +0000

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