Dream summary! This one is very lengthy. My phone is actually - TopicsExpress


Dream summary! This one is very lengthy. My phone is actually lagging on the text... But, its pretty well-remembered. **** Freddy Krueger related dreams, except for the most part I was the camera person who films everyone through my perspective. So, it started off as a trip to a hotel in southern Virginia, where I and a couple of friends were detectives looking to solve an old murder. The evidence turned up blank on the first night, and when I got back to the hotel room, I find out that it was someone elses room. There were four children, all girls, having a slumber party there, and they told us we could stick around because their parents abandoned them. So, we all did, and watched Disney movies while I considered the case. Something happened, and my wife Pip was there, along with my sister Ashliegh, and a couple of random teenage-ish folks. A big white dude high-school wrestler, an Asian dude, and their girlfriends. They and my wife were all here on some party trip they had won. This is where I seem to have moved from detective to camera. I remember getting into a fight with my wife about something dumb while I was building a giant floor-sized puzzle. I was very annoyed, and just left the room to go to the café that was in the hotel. My wife left just behind me to go look for me, but I gave her the slip. At the same time, the white dude and the Asian dude both got invited to be guest competitors on the feature wrestling match in the stadium... also in the hotel. I cant be sure if I was wondering how big this place was. I tried to order a sandwich from one of the café people, who looked and was dressed like a school cafeteria staff member. She was trying to separate tomatoes that had fallen into mayonnaise, with a very annoyed look on her face. I asked for some meat-based sandwich, and was told that they only had cheese. So, I got a cheese sandwich with black olives and olive oil. I got back to the hotel room, which was now a secret lab of some sort, but still in the hotel, and ate my sandwich. My wife came back shortly thereafter with my sister, who had both traveled around the world looking for me (Dreams dont seem to care much about time or physics), and brought back the missing half of a map to something I had found, somewhere. We reconciled whatever we were arguing about, and then my wife went home, for some reason. My sister, on the other hand, had an appointment to keep, to exorcise a demon from some child. At this point, I realized my trigger as a camera for this whole ordeal, sort of as a 4th wall breach, and I recognized that I, as the person writing this, had THIS dream before, but as a standalone dream. My sister seemed to know this as well, and got increasingly nervous. Nevertheless, my camera trigger suggested that we move on to the sequence. In the basement of this hotel, was apparently some weird combination of a hospital and a circus and a boiler room from a horror movie. Quiet screams could be heard from everywhere in the distance, the lights changed colors, paint was chipped on the walls, you name it. There was even blood on the floor of the hallway. It was creepy. As we approached our destination, my sister flipped out, and started running, and ran past the room she was supposed to go into. Up until that point, I was guiding her to that door, but once she passed it, my camera ability bugged out, and I started running with her. The room we were supposed to go into erupted in a loud scream followed by demonic laughter. We passed by some black lady in flowery scrubs who mistook my sister and I for someone elses dream situation, and called her Danielle, and started mocking us as we ran away. We passed through the exit from the zone, and sat down. A few minutes passed by, and there was an interview with Freddy Krueger on a television, where he was complaining that he was tired of corporations imitating his work and sacrificing people that he should be killing. This made my role even clearer, as I realized that we werent dreaming, and that this whole thing was an elaborate corporate setup to sacrifice people. (probably sounds familiar to some of you) Then, I started flipping out pleading with my sister to send me into the dream world, so I could talk to Freddy. Turns out that the role of camera meant that you couldnt sleep, to avoid personal interaction with the actual entities that killed people. Corporate reasons. Apparently, my sister was a member of a cult of dream survivors, and could actually put someone INTO Freddys realm with a specific song. The trouble was that she would be brought into it as well, I think, and so she hated doing it, even though I had the ability to negotiate with Freddy for help, as I was a camera. Through a lot of fearful protesting, she started to sing, but we were interrupted as a middle-aged Latino janitor came by with a tray of food as my sister and I were performing the ritual. Along with the food were a large bottle of garlic pills. I dont know why. I did, however, suspect they were poisoned, and refused the lot, as did my sister. This annoyed the janitor a little bit, but he left after that. Realizing that we were being politely pursued, we decided to run for it. We made a turn to a broken elevator, with the janitor cursing it, as it appeared that I was always breaking. I got an image of a group of people falling to their deaths on board the elevator. So, we decided to take the stairs. The only stairway around only went down, but it seemed the only option. I started down first, but my sister stopped me, and asked me where I was going. I just urged her to follow me, but she pointed out that the stairway was blocked by chains. I looked again, and sure enough, it was blocked all the way down. Apparently, the bit of song she had managed before the interruption had put me in kind of a semi-dream state. I became very dizzy, and she ran away. I collapsed in the stairway. I woke up at corporate, where they were escorting me to a chamber that sent you back to before your lapse as a camera. They assured me it would be fine, and that this sort of thing happens to people, as their brains become self-aware or whatever. I remember one of the guys saying Dont worry! Weve already sent back 13 people today! Its perfectly safe!, as I broke away from them. Somehow, I had one of the standard issue dimensional life scanners, and two people being transported had actually died. On my way out, as the people pursuing me seemed to be very lackadaisical about it, I saw them preparing two hulking zombie-like mutant wrestlers for the match that night. I could practically FEEL the might emanating from them. I recalled the two teenagers from earlier, and resolved to help them. At that moment, they escorted the mutant wrestlers out to the stadium, and I saw the Asian dudes girlfriend at corporate. Apparently, she worked for us as a guide to get the victims where they belonged. I didnt bother to say anything to her, I just left. On the way out, I saw that the wrestlers were entering the arena, and nervously mused at how fast this operation was. Then I ran into the Asian dude. He decided that wrestling wasnt his deal, and bugged out of the match at the last minute, but claimed that his friend was up for the challenge. Asian dudes girlfriend came up on us and was shocked to see him, and tried to get him back to the match, as seemed to be part of her job. After he declined, I told him that we had to go help his friend, grabbed his arm and started running. On the way, every TV was broadcasting as the match got underway. To my surprise, they kept the match as scheduled as a 2 on 2... now a 2 on 1. More clips on more TVs later, and the white dude was holding his own against the pair, with a dropkick knocking one to the mat. I knew it wouldnt be a charade forever though. We burst into a theater that was showing the match when the Asian dude shook me off and demanded to know what was going on. I pointed at the screen and told him that they were actually killing his friend, and that he also would have been in there, getting slaughtered. As if on cue, one of the mutants landed a haymaker, knocking the white dude to the mat, and the other stomped on his back, and threw him to his partner. He flipped the kid over and leaped out of the ring with a piledriver onto the hard floor, and the white dudes head exploded on impact. The crows went nuts with applause, and the Asian dude looked on in shock. Then, I actually woke up.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 16:50:44 +0000

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