Dreams... I like my daydreams a lot more than my subconscious - TopicsExpress


Dreams... I like my daydreams a lot more than my subconscious dreams during the night. I can get so much accomplished in my life during my daydreams... conquer countries... solve all the worlds issues... make profound scientific discoveries... But during the night... My dreams often torment me... make me wonder what in the world is going on... How do I think of this stuff? The past few nights have been quite disturbing for me... 1. I dreamed of diseased rats and other diseased animals everywhere. 2. I dreamed of being in front of a crowd of people with holes all in my clothes. 3. I dreamed of both my sons very small and needing me to take care of them and keep them safe. I am not the kind of person who has to find meaning and spiritual significance in my dreams... I understand that it could have been the refried beans from the burritos one night... Or the hot dogs... or whatever else I ate. But what I would like is for the dreams to be happier :-) I read last week where Joseph was sold by his brethren and then after years made his way in front of the Pharaoh to interpret dreams! (I guess Pharaohs thought their dreams were really significant.) Turns out his dream was significant. Seven years of plenty... Seven years of famine! But before Joseph interpreted the pharaohs dream, he had revealed some dreams of his own... and look where that got him! And he had interpreted some dreams for a baker and a butler... Unfortunately for the baker... Well, maybe he should have kept his dream to himself. Heres the thing about dreams... If they are revelations from God, wishing away the outcome wont help. The brothers of Joseph didnt change that they would be subserviant to their brother, even though they sold him to get rid of him. The baker couldnt keep his head on his shoulders even if he had wanted to do so. And the pharaoh of Egypt couldnt stop the years of famine even though he was the pharaoh. All he could do was to prepare for the inevitable. When God sends a warning through a dream, or a revelation through a dream, all we can do is prepare... Are you prepared?
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 14:27:05 +0000

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