Dreams, we talk a lot about them. Chasing them and achieving them. - TopicsExpress


Dreams, we talk a lot about them. Chasing them and achieving them. But today I want to remember a day when dreams ended for so many. 9-11-2001 …a day I won’t forget for the rest of my life. I worked as the Promotions Director and lead AVID editor at KEVN Black Hills Fox at that time. I was on my way to the station on Skyline Drive and listening to Bob & Tom on the radio. It was a little before 7AM. They were discussing what they thought was a small plane hitting one of the twin towers, so when I arrived at the station I immediately went into Master Control and asked the Operator Todd what was happening. He was watching a feed from Fox News Channel about the one tower burning and they were discussing what had happened. As the two of us were watching the feed the camera caught the second plane flying towards and then hitting the second tower. Life as I knew it changed instantly. We were at war. When you work at a TV station during times like that the news is never ending and you have to watch it so that you can do your job. For the better part of the week we spent hours watching the moment our world changed and the aftermath that ensued. We caught our breathes as we watched people jumping from the towers, knowing they were dying. We cried, some of us openly and some of us to ourselves as we saw the towers fall. I will never forget that day, those that died so needlessly, and mostly those who made it happen. Sometimes it’s hard not to hate… As I remember that day that dreams died for so many, I want to say to each of you don’t ever stop chasing and achieving your dreams. Do it for those who can’t, we owe them at least that much. Do it for yourself and those that love you, because it’s the right thing to do. Never say you’re too busy, or it’s too hard, or there’s no time or it cost too much. Achieve your dreams. Don’t stop believing because when you do those that attacked our country 12 years ago win. Please don’t let them win… I hope to see you at the Black Hills Institute of Broadcast & Cinematic Arts when I get back in the studio. Let’s make sure we can achieve your dreams. Please contact me here for more information, or email me at sitch.jack@gmail. As always, please share this post, friend us and like us. Thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 06:34:32 +0000

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