Drear valued members, Bored Members, Peacekeepers, and Boring - TopicsExpress


Drear valued members, Bored Members, Peacekeepers, and Boring Overlord, my name is Sally Nall and last night I committed a rule breach which led to my expulsion from The Very Boring Group. The rule in question was Rule 26, which, to quote our Drear Leader, is as follows: There shall be no trollish behaviour. Trolling is the act of stirring trouble or being difficult for the sake of eliciting an emotional response. Remember, it is O.K. to have an opinion but it is also O.K. for another person to disagree with that opinion. You must however, always keep it boring and you must always remain respectful. Trolling can be recognized by (but not limited to) the following behavioural patterns: -Beginning arguments. -Joining in arguments. -Complaining. -Random and confusing behaviour. -Not doing things for the greater good. -Refusing to comply to requests made by Members Of The Bored and Peacekeepers. I breached this rule whilst discussing the new rule, Rule 31. I overstepped the mark whilst asking questions about the precise nature of the new rule, and in doing so I was not acting for the greater good. I fully accept that the rules are there to help us, and that the word of the Boring Overlord is final. He works solely for the greater good. Whilst in exile, I took time to ponder my transgression, and the values of The Very Boring Group. I realised that The Very Boring Group acts much like an orchestra. Our Drear leader is the conductor, and if we follow our sheet music (the rules), whilst being kept in check by the conductor (our Drear Leader) then we produce an orderly and accurate musical performance. However, if we deviate from the sheet music (rules) then we place the performance in jeopardy. There is only so much our Drear Leader can do to keep us performing correctly if we cannot or will not keep to the music written in front of us. Each section within an orchestra has a leader. This person is much like the line-manager for the musicians within his or her section, be it woodwind, strings, brass, keyboards, or percussion. These leaders are analogous to the Bored Members in some ways, as although they have specific jobs, they are nonetheless responsible for maintaining order whilst under the strict supervision of the baton-wielding Drear Leader. They are also permitted to perform solos, and whilst we may enjoy these solos, if we are simply valued members, we should not seek to perform our own. Last night I did not act for the greater good. A piece of music written for an orchestra only works if everybody follows the rules, the leaders of each section are obeyed, and the conductor’s word is final. I acted as a maverick euphonium and I apologise. Euphonium may mean ‘good sound’, but better yet is the ‘greater good sound’ which comes from following the sheet music, and looking to the leaders and conductor if unsure. May this serve as a lesson. Learn from my mistake. There is nothing greater than the greater good. Please accept my humble apology. I know I did wrong, and it was right that I was expelled. Sally Nall
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 13:19:14 +0000

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