Drew Edsall is doing his homework. Anyone worth the coaching or - TopicsExpress


Drew Edsall is doing his homework. Anyone worth the coaching or teaching "dough" is always doing the homework. Then you have the mass production pastry, the cookie cutters selling the thick, malleable mixture of flour and liquid, used for baking sweet pastry! They make a different type of dough, and they put it in the bank! OUTSIDE ONLINE TUESDAY, AUGUST 06, 2013 HOW ATHLETES GET GREAT Just train for 10,000 hours, right? Not quite. In his new book, author David Epstein argues that top-shelf athletic performance may be a more complicated formula that we’ve recently come to believe. Good points! "The economic incentive to attract a big talent pool in cycling has not gone away." People who grow up in dry/hot swing legs better, better economy! The lower leg is not unlike that of any running animal i.e. Thick thighs, narrow lower legs. I just sent WN Fast Freddie a pic on the subject. Fast Freddie is known as a fast guy, but we have helped him on the lower leg swing weight, the timing, etc... His economy for the long haul is better because of his focus of where the weight is, his leg length constraints! "The Kalenjin have this incredibly narrow build, with a very narrow pelvic girdle and long, thin limbs. That’s a result of having your ancestry in a hot, dry climate. The more surface area you have relative to volume, the more heat you unload through the surface. Also, the less weight you have further from your center of gravity, the easier it is to swing your legs." "The lighter the lower your limbs, the better pace you can go for a given amount of oxygen." WN - the more rocks you have in your backpack, the harder hunting elk! "Weight at the end of your limb makes it hard to swing your legs, which makes your running economy much worse. So you want as long and as thin a leg as humanly possible." WN - common sense, look at running animals! But you might have to leave the city or look away from the cell phone!
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 14:57:46 +0000

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