Dringend Spenden in Höhe von insgesamt ca, 2,500€ gebraucht um - TopicsExpress


Dringend Spenden in Höhe von insgesamt ca, 2,500€ gebraucht um 3 Huskies in Taiwan vor der Einschläferung zu retten. Seit dem kürzlichen Ausbruch von Tollwut (der erste Fall seit 60 Jahren) auf der Insel sind Öffentlichkeit und Behörden in Panik ausgebrochen. Jeden Tag werden neue Tiere ausgesetzt und die Behörden und das Personal der Auffangstationen sind so hoffnungslos überfordert, dass oft nur die Einschläferung bleibt. Für drei Huskies könnte es jedoch ein Happy end geben, da sich eine Organisation, die gegründet wurde um Tiere zu retten, ihrer annehmen und sie nach Deutschland bringen würde. Das einzige woran es fehlt sind die finanziellen Mittel. Jede kleine Spende per Paypal ist willkommen, siehe unten. Bitte helfen und bitte teilen und weiterleiten!!..... Desperately seeking donations of any amount to help 3 Siberian Husky to Germany next Tue! As the Taiwanese media and government fell to panic under recent issues of the rabies epidemic, an alarming trend of dumping dogs is on the rise. The volunteers from a German Husky rescue group and HOTAC went to the over-crowded public pound and saved Alex just in time, who was about to be euthanized due to the lack of shelter space. Two other huskies abandoned by their owners were also picked up and snatched from the jaw of death. The volunteer from the German Husky rescue group hopes to bring these three lucky buns out of Taiwan on a journey of love back to Germany next Tuesday. Germany has well-structured and carried-out animal protection laws. The concept of animal protection is deep rooted into their morality, whereas almost everyone can recite “do not harm animals for amusement, as they feel pain just as you do.” We are thrilled that the huskies can start their new lives, but flying to Europe costs double/triple-fold compared to going to the U.S.! It is estimated that the travelling expenses for the three dogs will cost around NT$130K~150K, and we are short of NT$110K! We are in real desperate need for your help! Please save a cup of coffee, a midnight snack or anything that might contribute to their happy endings. We would really appreciate in your kindness to help these three babies to fly to their new homes in Germany. Thank you & Please share! You can donate online through PayPal here: https://paypal/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=W74SVUDCX6SX2
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 15:34:08 +0000

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