Drinking water - A Progression ? Jul. 15, 2014 Water - TopicsExpress


Drinking water - A Progression ? Jul. 15, 2014 Water Purifiers - A progression ? Subsequent to my write ups on Refrigerators and Washing Machines , I feel it is essential in the Indian context , to discuss the most important process appliance used in a healthy kitchen , which is , a water purifier for drinking water. Some of us have lived in rural areas , or have lived in smaller towns with river fed water sources would remember usage of Potassium per magnate to purify wells , or the simple (on the tap) filteration equipment used traditionally , to receive clean drinking water. However , as time flows , water seems to become a complexity , with more costly means becoming essential to make it drinking worthy. The crux of the drinking water complexity lies partly in the source from which it is obtained , and partly in the manner in which it has been used (rather the manner in which the water source has been exploited) over years . To make it simple , let us understand the practical aspect of water usage and the relevant technologies that make it use-worthy. Every country or region in the world defines standards for water purity , which will make it fit for drinking. Parameters of colour , turbidity , pH , aesthetics and taste have been defined by various countries and states , globally .These parametres vary , basis the importance given to drinking water purity. The parameters bank on Totally dissolved solids (TDS) count , Metals level(s) permitted , pathogens count allowed, pesticides/chemicals limits ,pH values (acidity or basicity) to define taste , as key parameters to fix the areas of analysis and control , for drinking water. The Indian specification of parametres of control are specified under IS:10500 created in 1992 , and amended in 1993 . To understand whether the water we drink is pure enough , analysis of water is required. Most water purifier supplying companies conduct free checks of TDS range in feed water (incoming water supply). In some cases / towns where industries and affluents are released in the vicinity of the water source, chemical analysis of water can also be undertaken to ensure the quality of feed water , prior to deciding upon the purification methodolgy. 1.In case of metropolitan towns , more aften than not , the water drawn from ground is used for household chores. Very deep ground water (which has seeped down below rocks and historic formations , into the ground over time , and is dug out for use) , is typically free from pathogens (is most likely to have least biological impurities ) , but is likely to carry dissolved metals , and other ions. However , if supplied through municipal pipes , which are made of steel , and laid many years ago , other contaminants can seep in. Typically , fresh ground water requires only chlorination . But contiminated ground water , might need a strong seiving action with membranes , to remove microscopic impurities , to reduce TDS levels . The acceptable TDS in bottled water , sold by various brands is typically maintained at 40PPM (parts per million) , although water upto 500 ppm is considered acceptable in Indian conditions, if the contaminants are not poisonous. (500 ppm is not a global standard , as some European countries might even agree to 1000 ppm of TDS levels, as acceptable , since metals and pesticides would not be found in these samples , and the dissolved solids would be benign). 2.River or reservoir fed towns closer to hills , would received water which is rich in minerals , but largely safe , except for some bacteria and pathogens , and hence ultra violet treatment will largely take care of the pathogenic probabilities. Please take care to ensure that the feed water should not be turbid , since UV purification is effective in removing pathogens only when water is not turbid . UV treated water should ideally not be stored for too long , since pathogens can resurface. However , as the rivers flow farther off the source , contaminants in feed water and the nature of contaminants changes. Down river fed towns shall have to contend with variety of chemicals , bacteria , algae , suspended solids . When treated by the municipalities , largely , the suspended solids and algae spores are removed. But to ensure that the water becomes drinking worthy , the testing of water supply is (again) the start point. Again , UV treatment might not suffice , if the town is down river , and the water might need softening through chemical treatment for washing purposes , and also Reverse osmosis purification , to remove harmful chemicals and dissolved solids. 3.Atmospheric water generation , or fog collection is also being practised in areas where natural water bodies run dry , or are at a distance. In such cases , water can be harvested from the air by cooling of air. Such water is the purest to drink , unless the atmosphere is heavily polluted and acidic or dusty. 4.Desalination of sea water is another process followed for industrial usage (in large volumes) where water is purified through reverse osmosis . 5.Chemical treatment of water is another process used for softening (removal of metal ions ), and detroying bacteria with chemicals . The method would be preferred if chemical / toxic elements are found in larger concentration in feed water . This process of cleaning then becomes essential. 6.A technique , commonly deployed for industrial (large scale) usage is ionisation of dissolved solids and impurities, which helps remove various kind of salts , chemicals and protozoa , in highly unsuitable drinking water , and makes the resultant ready for secondary treatment , without too much wastage. Globally , almost 60% domestic purification (in power sufficient households) is done by the reverse osmosis technique , since the process removes most impurities . The negative aspect of this usage is that a lot of water is wasted , in the purification process. It is thus essential to understand the nature of contaminants , TDS levels and chemical composition , before deploying the ideal purification techniques . In case the TDS levels are low , RO systems are not the best preferred purification option , and low wastage methods are recommended. It is , however , essential that not only do we drink pure water , but also become more concious of our wate disposal . Issues of water harvesting , recycling , saving of water and resources , will all have a bearing on the ease and cost , which we will have to deploy to receive clean drinking water in times to come. User Tips / Trivia : 1.Mineral water usually available in bottled form , is not mineral water in most cases , but only RO (reverse osmosis cleaned ) water. Actual mineral water is obtained from underground springs , which are rich in healthy minerals. However , minerals required for healthy living are obtained from fruits vegetables and other food sources , and not from water , really. Thus clean water is a rejuvenating drink , and not necessarily mineral water. 2.Water is one of the good solvents ( liquid in which most of the things dissolve) available in abundance (but diminishing rapidly , as far as clean water is conerned). One of the largest silver object in the world , is the silver urn , which was filled with water from river ganges , for the drinking purpose of the King of Jaipur , whenever he used to travel . The fundamental principal , to drink natural mineral water from The Ganges , stored in silver , so that the silver ions can futhur purify the metabolism of the user. 3.So also , the inverse . Water stored in cheap plastic bottles can do more harm than good. The chemical effects of the plastics and their residues have a poor effect on health. Similarly , wax coated paper or thermocol glasses too can be very damaging, particularly while drinking hot beverages. I hope this article would be able to add value to your understanding of water purification , and usage from a domestic perspective. For any furthur clarifications , please feel free to write on : [email protected] Vivek Kumar Gupta
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 06:58:55 +0000

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