Driver – PT Transavia Otomasi Pratama Driver – PT Transavia - TopicsExpress


Driver – PT Transavia Otomasi Pratama Driver – PT Transavia Otomasi Pratama Company Overview About Us As the preferred representative and distributor for world-class products, Transavia Otomasi Pratama (TOP) is staffed with a team of professional engineers and technical support specialists, who are trained to identify and customize the best automation or power protection solution to your specific needs. To ensure that your business get the maximum advantage from the technology architecture which will lead to greater profitability, we also offer intensive customer training program. This training is methodically designed to outline every products’ features and functions, which in turn will keep your employees skills and knowledge updated and refreshed. We are committed to providing the best support to give your business the competitive advantages with the state-of-the-art industrial automation technology and systems. History In 1997, Rockwell Automation appointed Transavia Utama as the authorized distributor for its automation products. This marks the beginning of the Industrial Automation business of Transavia Utama, and the establishment of Transavia Otomasi Pratama. Our early success in the industry gained recognition as in 2004 we received the Valued Supplier Award from Conoco Phillips and the Highest Volume Growth Software Shipment Award from Rockwell Software in 2005. Building on those achievements, we are currently pursuing the ISO 9001 certification. In the year 2007, we estimate our sales target to reach USD 12 Million. What We Do Specializing the business in the provision of Industrial Automation systems, we are strategically focused on providing quality products and implementation services of over five hundred thousands different products of industrial automation for oil and gas, petrochemical, pulp and paper, mining and other manufacturing industries across Indonesia. Driver Job Description Driver Lingkup Kerja : Mengoperasikan kendaraan dinas Direktur/General Manager sesuai dengan kebutuhan Menjaga kebersihan dan melakukan perawatan mobil sehari-hari Melakukan perawatan berkala sesuai dengan ketentuan Kualifikasi : Maximum berumur 35 tahun Sehat jasmani dan rohani, bebas dari alkohol/obat terlarang. Memiliki SIM A dan SIM C Berpengalaman sebagai driver perusahaan (mengantar level eksekutif) minimal 5 tahun Menguasai kendaraan matic dan manual Mengetahui jalan-jalan di Jabodetabek, Bandung dan sekitarnya Berperilaku baik, jujur,sopan Berpenampilan rapi dan bersih Bersedia untuk bekerja lembur/keluar kota Bersedia bekerja pada hari libur Berdomisili di Bekasi Barat Kirimkan CV dengan judul: “Aplikasi untuk Driver” ke alamat : PT TRANSAVIA OTOMASI PRATAMA GRAHA PARAMITA JL. DENPASAR RAYA BLOK D2 KAV.8 KUNINGAN JAKARTA SELATAN 12940 The post Driver – PT Transavia Otomasi Pratama appeared first on Lowongan ID Jakarta.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 22:47:32 +0000

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