Drivers in Saint Francis MN need to watch this. Too many drive - TopicsExpress


Drivers in Saint Francis MN need to watch this. Too many drive like this. I complained before our city council about (for instance) local folks driving down the wrong side of the street and parking on the wrong side too. I was almost killed by one of them. The (previous) mayor just smiled and reminded those present that they need to obey traffic laws or feel a dent in the pocketbook. He was unconcerned about either our safety or the example of defiance to the children who watch this lawless behavior. We have locals who play chicken in our Post Office parking lot. A policeman told me: several fender-benders so far. So I asked why our One-Way signs and Entrance & Exit signs are not enforced. Our police chief must have little experience in his field, since his answer was signs on private property are not enforceable. I responded, Really? So when someone is killed for whipping in through our Exit sign, you guys wont show up? Strange. He just looked at me without answering. I realize that you can become inured to blood and gore when you see it regularly, but if you become desensitized to it, I think you need to request transfer to another department.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 03:34:34 +0000

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