Driving Under His Influence If you want to move into new - TopicsExpress


Driving Under His Influence If you want to move into new territory on your life, it is imperative that you decide exactly who is in the drivers seat . Is it going to be you or is it going to be God? Are you going to head out on your own or is it going to be God? Are you going to head out on your own or are you willing to leg Him lead you? Will you be moving in the flesh or will you be empowered by the Holy Spirit? It is important to make that crucial decision because it will determine how effective you pray. Jesus always moved under the Holy Spirits influence. His disciples observed that. They personally witnessed Him healing people, casting out demons, and performing many other Miracles and they wanted to know how these things happened. They recognized that Jesus had a source of power they didnt have. They also saw Him frequently go to a private place and pray and whenever He did the life and power of God will be infused in Him. They obviously knew there was a connection between power and prayer because they didnt ask Him to teach them how to get power but how to pray. And what He taught them is now known as the Lords prayer. (Matthew 6 v 9-14; Luke 11 v 2-4) Even though Jesus was the son of God, He still went to His Father in prayer in order to receive power for all He needed to do. And He teaches us to do the same. God wants us to draw on His resources by coming to Him in prayer and seeking afresh infusion of power the way JESUS did. Many ppl think praying Your Kingdom come, is a prayer about sometime in the future. Bit it is not a someday prayer. Just like the phraseGive us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins we are not talking about someday in the future but NOW. When we pray Your Kingdom come we are asking God to come invade our circumstances right now. Moving forward with Jesus always calls us upward in prayer. Our constancy and consistency in prayer increases as we grow in our understanding of why prayer is important. Essentially it has to do with the power of God invests in us - the power to touch Hid throne in heaven from our place on earth. Just like Jesus we need to be empowered by the Holy Spirit in all we do. He is our Teacher, Helper, and Guide and we must ask Him to teach us how to pray with fervent and passion so that our prayers have power. We must request that He helps us have love and compassion for others, even those hard to love, so that our prayers are rightly motivated. We must invite Him to be in 5 he drivers seat of our lives so that He can guide us where we need to go. When we move through each day under His Influence, we will accomplish things we would otherwise never been able to do.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 04:17:08 +0000

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