Driving back from KZN last night we experienced very heavy winds - TopicsExpress


Driving back from KZN last night we experienced very heavy winds coupled with a strong hailstorm. On top of that there was a very dark cloud covering the area, lots of potholes on the road, but far from there we could see the weather was starting to clear and there was a bit of clear clouds. It was my first time driving in such conditions but I remained calm. I had in the car my mother and my two sisters. Seeing how bad the weather was, my mother slowly got to panic mode and eventually requested that I just park at the side of the road and we wait for the storm to pass. As I tried to stop, my youngest sister insisted that I just continue to drive. And so we managed to calm down my olady and continued to drive at a very slow speed. Harzards were on, visibility was very bad I couldnt see anything except for the white line on road. My youngest sister than started sharing with us a story of why she kept of insisting we continue to drive. It really touched us all in there car. She told us a story of a father who was teaching his young son how to drive. As the boy was driving they drove into similar weather conditions. The boy was frightened and therefore started to panic. He asked his farther if he could stop and park on the side of the road up until it was clear to drive. The father strongly refused and urged him to continue driving using the white line on the road as his guide. Scared as he was, the boy continued to drive. The passed several other cars which had stopped under that dark cloud waiting tor the hailstorm to pass. A few minutes later the weather cleared and then the father requested the boy to stop the car on the side of the road. The boy was confused as to why he should stop now because it was now safe to proceed. The father insisted and eventually the boy did as asked. They got out of the car and the father pointed back to where they were driving, asked the boy what could he see there. The boy replied that he could see many cars parked on the side of the road under a dark cloud. The father then asked his son what he could see where they were now. The boy replied that it was sunny and clear thus they were safe. The father then relayed a lesson to the son, In every dark cloud that you are faced with in life, all you need to do is continue to move forward, use your white line (God) to guide you all the way until you reach your breakthrough. Stopping to move forward when faced with dark clouds does not help anyone in reaching success but moving forward through those storms with God on your side does. A blessed and productive week to all.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 05:02:54 +0000

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