Dropped Caitlin off at school this morning. Walked into the - TopicsExpress


Dropped Caitlin off at school this morning. Walked into the building with her. Several teachers wished her a good day from the picket line which made her smile and feel good.....then brought some tears b/c she just wants her teachers back in the school again. Spoke with Mr. Hardy (the principal) and told him I was praying for him as well. I know none of this is easy on anyone as he tries to keep some normalcy in the schools while his staff is on strike. Another support staff member from French Run who knew Caitlin gave her a big hug and tried to comfort her. All the kids filed into the gym and sat in groups with their class. Caitlin was able to sit with 2 friends. The gym where all of the kids were seemed a little chaotic but as normal as it could be. Kids were being monitored closely and still served breakfast. Caitlin was still uneasy but we did meet her teacher for today and she seems very nice and she has an education background. I hope that Caitlin will feel comfortable with her. Mr. Hardy explained things to the kids in their group meeting this morning including the changes in their school, why their teachers are not there right now, ect... I think he did a good job explaining things age appropriately for the kids. Caitlin seemed not as uneasy when I left today and she was not crying. I even got a small smile from her when I left. Just explaining things in detail for those that are still unsure about sending their kids tomorrow or anytime this week. Praying for a quick resolution to this strike so the teachers can be back in the classroom again very soon. Now off to drop Aubrey off at the middle school. Praying she has an uneventful day. We would appreciate the prayers.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 12:47:51 +0000

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