Drug dealers are dark-hearted evil men and generational killers - TopicsExpress


Drug dealers are dark-hearted evil men and generational killers who make gains out of killing and inflicting pains on users, their families and their generations and therefore, deserve the stiffest of punishment including, but not limited to capital punishment as it was in Nigerias statute book during General Muhammadu Buharis regime as Nigerias Military head of state just as it still is in countries with zero tolerance for illegal drug trafficking. Therefore, those who use it as a campaign rhetoric against Buhari are either stark ignorant about the destruction illegal drug use brings upon users, their families and their generations if not well rehabilitated, or are damned criminals still actively involved in the illicit drug trade and as such scared of a review of the current laws which give them pats on the back for their crimes against humanity. The men in this picture violated the Nigerian laws at the time and had to pay with their lives in accordance with the laws of the land. Buhari did not kill them as is being peddled, Rather, they killed themselves by daring the laws of Nigeria and I hope they repented before they died. The greatest challenge Nigeria has today is in its failure to prosecute high profile criminals, this failure has emboldened criminals to do as they wish because of the monumentally corrupt criminal justice system. You can imagine a fool called Uche Irenuma, the dethroned illegitimate rogue ex-monarch of Abavo, killing two Abavo citizens, kidnapping a ten month old baby and destroying several homes exactly a year ago and Delta state Governor, Emmanuel Uduaghan is shielding him from prosecution nearly one year after the police concluded investigations, indicted him on a 16 count charge and handed over the case file to the Delta state Attorney-General. What kind of a lawless country do some people want Nigeria to be turned into? Do the crime and serve the time. We shall vote Buhari 2015 into power on February 14, 2015. The movement is just growing bigger, wilder and louder like a hurricane ready to touch down...........................
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 07:35:36 +0000

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