Drums in parliament He was born in the 1920s on the - TopicsExpress


Drums in parliament He was born in the 1920s on the picturesque island of Grenada.... The island in that period exuded a colonial charm in its architecture and culture. The town layout was a tightly nit collections of residences and business that was divided by a network of streets and alleys that spread throughout the town like veins in a body. And like veins in a body, they were the conduit of life blood for the organism of the capital , St.Georges. The market place bustled with activity, from Monday to Saturday... The colorful dresses of the vendors contrasted against the less colorful buildings help brighten a dull setting. Mangos, callaloo, yams, Hot peppers, sugar cake, coconut water. Was just a few of the cries that could be heard above the constant humming of the multitude of voices of shoppers and vendors. If you could pull yourself away from the hustle and bustle of the market and turn your head southwest, you would see Fort George sitting majestically on the hill top, as if commandeering all the activity below. Its fortified solid high walled perimeter , laced with cannons and British flags flapping in the wind, invoked a mixed feeling of awe and dread in ones mind. Around three oclock in the afternoon, the tide of energy starts to wane.... Looking up on the balconies above the businesses, you can see the aristocrats having their afternoon tea.... The ladies are in their dresses and hats, while the gentlemen are attired in suits... Positioning yourself in a better vantage spot, you can watch as the maids set the table with porcelain and ceramic cups and plates. The cutlery is of the finest silver and the table cloth imported from the UK. As the cool air comes off the nearby sea, it picks up the mixed aroma of green tea brewing in white tea pots and of fresh pastries sitting in small open baskets... The scent assaults your senses and awakes your hunger, ah listen to how your stomach growls........ Anyway, come ,lets go find our main character for this story. Earl Grant was born in Dunfermline St.Andrews in 1922. His childhood was one of adventure and hard work. The village was small, there was no electricity or running water. Water had to be fetched from nearby rivers. The villagers worked their plots of land, planting bananas, cocoa, and vegetable .... Most found work on estates. His parents kept his head straight, so to speak, imploring him to study hard and better himself. So he attended LaFillete primary school and excelled there. Later he went on to St.Andrews Roman catholic Senior school...... It was during this time that he met Papa George, the leader of the Shango religion..... He had gone down to Pearls to drop off a parcel for his mother and had entered into a conversation with an old friend, concerning the political situation in Grenada at that time and off the great work T.A Marryshow had done. MarryShow had successfully lobbied the Wood Commission that final gave into pressure to allow Grenadians to elect five of the fifteen members of the legislative council.... This might not seem as anything great today, but in that period it was a huge deal, for it was the catalyst that he, Earl unknown to him then, would eventually build on towards an independent nation many years later. As with all things passionate, time flies and the sun had set.... Saying their good byes they parted company. He knew his mother would be worried, so he picked up his pace.... Rounding a corner, he heard the beating off drums and chanting in the distance. Looking up in the sky he noticed that it was the full moon. The moon hung like a huge saucer in the sky, there was not a cloud present to obstruct its brilliant rays that seeked to uncover all that was hidden. The hooting of an owl nearby brought his attention back. The drums grew louder, and soon he could make out a fire through the trees.... Suddenly there was a strange tug on his spirit, pulling him in the direction of the fire and drums.... He changed direction and headed through the trees. Coming to a huge clear circle, he saw about fifty people in white and red outfits. Dancing and singing around the bonfire , while six men beat tirelessly on drums. Their veins in their necks as large as snakes from exertion , sweat poured down their bodies as rain through a valley... Earl stood rooted in fascination as the spectacle unfolded before him. Inside of him a fire was lit, what had been a subtle force, now threatened to consume him.... He found himself dragged into the circle by an invisible force, soon he had tore his shirt off and was dancing as a possessed man.... Thunder cracked in the distance, lightening flash . Earl could feel his body bursting with energy, he looked into the fire and saw a tall muscular ebony man dancing in the flames smiling at him. There was an immediate connection between them, like a father and son, who been estrange was finally reconciled. Earl felt connected to everything, he knew he was the tree, the earth beneath his feet, the moon in the sky... Yes every where he looked, he could see the connection to everything, nothing was dead, even the rocks was breathing, yes he was filled with a sudden joy that brought tears to his eyes. In all his life he had never experience a feeling of belonging to everything as he did now. He rushed into the flame to embraced his father. The drums stop! He came out the other side, to the awe struck silence of the circle. A tall man in all white approached him, while murmurs could be heard throughout the circle. My son, who are you? Asked the man... Earl himself was somewhat baffled, what was he doing in the middle of this circle... I ah, ah am Eh Earl. He stammered in reply, trying to gain a prospective on his situation. I am Papa George, welcome . Said Papa George in a powerful clear voice, at the same time pulling Earl to the side. What happened? Why is everyone looking at me like this? cried out Earl. Come my son, I will explain. Replied Papa George. Later that night, Papa George explained to Earl that Shango the god of fire and dance had chosen him, that he had walked through the bonfire without his clothes even catching fire. He Papa George had served Shango for years but was never be stored that blessing. Earl, it seemed was chosen for a great work. He continued late into the night to explain the religion and the pantheon of African gods, that came from west Africa with his ancestors. He offered to teach Earl the secrets of the spirits and to reveal the power of roots and herbs to him. Earls head was spinning, there was so much to understand, he did not know where to begin..... Standing he realized that the sun was making its way up... Oh my , Mami must be worried to death, he cried out, jumping to his feet he took off. Earl became the apprentice of Papa George and as promised, was taught the secret of the dark side of human nature, potions to alter consciousness and trigger hallucinations , he could call down spirits to enter his body and accomplish things he himself was incapable of doing...... All a long he was becoming disenfranchised with colonial rule. The last year of school he decided that he would become a teacher and would later try and form a political party to fight for independence. Graduating, he started teaching, but his heart was on bigger goals so he became restless. He lacked the organizational skills to form an active party for change, so this was where much of his frustrations lay. However that was about to change. A friend of his who was living in Curaçao a Dutch Island south west of Grenada contacted him, telling him there were jobs available there... So in 1943 he made the trip. Before he left Papa George initiated him into a secret society called the Bizango... This was a group of warrior priest who used powerful spirits , poisons or mind control to bring about radical change in their environment. Earl would go on to work in the oil fields of Curaçao and later become involved in the trade union. It was there he gained the organizational skills he was lacking. In 1949 he returned to Grenada confident that his time had come..... Armed with experience and the power of the Drums he made his move in 1950, by forming his trade union.... Earl had a powerful charisma, along with his occult knowledge , his trade union blossomed and he came under the radar of the colonial power and the church. One year later he called a general strike for better working conditions and pay , this spiraled out of control causing building to be set on fire and demonstrations in the streets.... The days that followed was to become ominously known as , Red sky days. The powers that be, called in the british for reinforcements that forcefully restored order. Earl was locked up for citing the unrest. Earl was released soon after due to pressure from the people. On his release he formed his political party and ran for the representative of the legistrative Council seat. He was elected in 1951, 54 and 56. The colonials soon took note of his growing popularity and power on the islands and moved to limit and weaken it. So in between 1957 to 1961 he was banned from politics. Around that time, a Jesuit priest was the only one to penetrate the source of his power. Father Anthony had come to Grenada a few years prior. He was trained in political science and philosophy. Studying Earl carefully and investigating his actions, it dawned on him that the occult was at work and that Earl was a power hungry man who delighted in rule over the ignorant masses...... They both fought countless battles in the spiritual realm and in the public sphere... The Jesuit through the colonials power and Earl through the power of the people. It was a match of wills and wits, the two being evenly matched. Except that the true power lay with the people and whoever held the chords would emerge the victor. The Jesuit realizing this, looked for another avenue. He found it in a student at the Jesuit school of Presentation Boys College. The student name was Mark Benson, he was a highly intelligent boy, who had great charisma. There he planted the seed of Karl Max into him... Later he would arrange for him to attend the London School of economics ( know as the school of revolutionaries) there Benson would go on to attain a law degree...... The Jesuit had chosen well, they had created the nemesis of Earl. This man would later topple him from power through a revolution. In 1961 in a by election ,he became chief minster. Earl had cast his spell and the times was changing, the people and him was one... Like the night when he first step foot in the circle and realized all was one... Yes soon all power would lay in his lap and he would become a Despot. In 1972 he won the general election and quickly moved to form a new administration as premier of the associated state of Grenada...... At night he called to his father Shango, promising him his loyalty forever if he continued to bless his ventures..... Lightening would flash on the horizon in response...... The Jesuit would shut his window in annoyance, knowing that he was powerless for the time being. Earl weakness was women, and boy did he know how to seduce them... Shango was his father after all, the god of dance and fire, he was an irresistible man of power who dared to challenge the colonials.... A man who promised to create a utopian state, where he would build a canal up the Paradise river, so that the banana boat could pick up the bananas on the plantation. Yes he promised the world in his flowery speech, even Cicero Rome greatest politician would have envied, the way the crowd hung on to every word , as pictures of an Atlantis like country was invoked in the minds of the masses.... They were tired carrying the heavy yoke of the colonials and as a drowning man would grab at a straw to save his life, so too did they grab at his words. On February 7th 1974, Grenada gained independence from Britain, in so doing, Earl became the first ever prime minster of Grenada. As he stood to be sworn in, he could hear the multitudes of Grenadians outside Parliament shouting and cheering his name..... The few remaining colonials sat with a rather bewildered expression on their faces, as if trying to make sense of what had transpired. Only one man stood off to the side with a slight smile of knowing on his face, the Jesuit..... Earl returned the smile , he had won, He would rule as the prince in Machiavellis book.... A despotic rule would be the best for such a strong willed people. Turning his attention back to the ceremony he heard the drums beating in his soul, Shango his father had delivered.... From now on he would only wear white in respect of the god of power.......Yes he mused, finally there was drums in Parliament. By: Clyde Viechweg
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 15:03:20 +0000

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