Dt: 13.08.2013 To Dr. Manmohan Singh (by e-mail), Honorable Prime - TopicsExpress


Dt: 13.08.2013 To Dr. Manmohan Singh (by e-mail), Honorable Prime Minister of India. Dear honorable Sir, Sub: Emergency of active, wise and ideal play role of the government for protecting the democracy, heritage, culture, progress and unity of India – req.- reg. Ref.: Present political scenery in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Being a highly ideal person by virtue of nature, highly educated and a successful visionary, I hope you are clearly watching the political scenery for the few years in the state of Andhra Pradesh, which need not be explained in detail as they are already expressed by our honorable Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Mr. N. Kiran Kumar Reddy, respected former Chief Minister of AP, Mr. N. Chandra Babu Naidu, a great visionary Dr. Jaya Prakash Narayan, President of Lok Satta Party, and various other parties and groups in the state of Andhra Pradesh and the responses we, the people of Andhra Pradesh, are getting from the higher authorities of the ruling party. In this regard, as a citizen of India and an inhabitant in the state of Andhra Pradesh, the only thing I want to remind you is there is a highly respectable and dignified heritage and culture for India and particularly in the state of AP in various fields such as integrity, unity, human respects and hospitability, man power, intelligence, faithfulness, dedicated mindsets, Indian Freedom moment, Academic, Research and Development, Science and Technology, Industries, etc. which are worth noted at global level. The people of Andhra Pradesh highly respect the democracy and their dedication towards the administration until their uttermost patience is highly worth-noting in the history. The people of Andhra Pradesh are having their major roles not only in the development of the state of Andhra Pradesh and India but in the development of various developing countries as well as developed countries struggling for the unique development and integrity of the world and universe at their selected fields. Being the people who aspire the development of the entire universe with complete dedication without any selfishness, they are highly worth mentioned, highly sincere, highly potential and highly patience oriented in bearing the mental, highly sacrificed, and possessing high moral values of bearing internal pressures in living physically separated from their homeland in the path of performing their responsibilities for the entire human-cause in this world. So the estimation of the mindset of telugu people should be recognized at this level, but not as their incapability, or lenience as expecting by some of the political parties in the country. Under various circumstance such as lack of ability to recognize and/or implement the perfect guidance of the soul under some weak human mental conditions, based on the desires of people belonging to their constitutions, political situations, etc., or based faith on the ruling party and/or on the government, various political parties may announce and submit their agenda to the government on any particular current events at any particular time. But the ruling party and the governments are having their uttermost responsibility to have a clear vision on the event and consider the submissions of other groups only as their opinions and having the responsibility to discuss in unity to guide and implement the best thing based on the long vision based on the entire development of the state or country purely beyond any individual political benefits. It is to be worth recognized by the government when any ruling party promotes its agenda to the next best level in terms of practical probability. But unfortunately the present ruling party in the nation seems to be utterly losing these ideals and blindly trying to proceed on its own way and getting ready utilize the event in a reverse direction of progress on blaming the other political parties that are correcting their stands based on the practical probabilities and experiences that have taken in the past in connection with the ruling party and the government under these type of critical conditions in the other states of India and hen not interested to lead AP also to those pity conditions. In this regard, the only thing what I want to appeal you is that it is not the matter connecting to either one citizen, or one group or one political party to consider it as either as a demand from the other political parties or as the dignity of the ruling party in not withdrawing the decisions in blindly moving forward on its own stand at the planned speeds irrespective of the situations rising in the state. Being the people who are ideally bearing their physically separation for the progress and integrity of the entire globe, while there are many states in the country in which people speak the same language and having the same culture, it is not the worry of the people of AP to make multiple states in AP too. But the majority of the people in the state are worrying about the solutions for the practical problems that take place with separation and requesting the ruling party to revise its decision on the necessity of separation at this high speed and if the separation is the ultimate choice, they are loyally requesting the ruling party and the government only to see the possibilities of keeping AP as unite at least until the developments took place in other backward regions like Coastal, Andhra and Rayalaseema also, equal to that of Telangana and Hyderabad. They are neither blindly demanding unique Andhra Pradesh nor blindly opposing separation. But it is unfortunate that the ruling party is not at all considering any of these things with a maturity mind and going blindly on its own way on enhancing the regional quarrels in the state of AP. On delaying the announcement of its vision on this event until this time, it has already spoiled the progress of Telangana in various forms. Now it is getting ready repeat the same mistake with the remaining state of AP as well which reflects the complete destruction of the state resembling the earlier British ruling and the necessity of raising freedom movement once more in the state of AP on the government which completely not only destroys the progress of the state but also destroys the respected highly heritage, moral values and complete existence of the ruling party, which has a great role in the Indian freedom moment and hence deserves its own respect by the entire political parties in the country. On this occasion, as a citizen of India, I am personally requesting you to break your silence on leaving any of your individual philosophies like everything will be adjusted in time at this crucial time too, sincerely requesting you to take your emergent active sincere and ideal role by giving values for your virtue of character on the part of the government to take steps in this direction through giving clarity to whatever practical doubts that are expressed by various ideal leaders in the state of AP without giving chance of making this incidence be utilized by the political parties for their individual benefits and to immediately put an end for related agitations throughout the complete state of AP. At the same time as a citizen of India, I am also requesting and demanding our ideal leaders of various political parties in the state of AP to work together under these crucial conditions integrately with complete maturity beyond any physical desires of individual recognizations or individual benefits for the real progress of the state. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, (R. Balakrishnaiah) (G. Jagadeesh) Copy to The Chief Minister of India The Governor of AP, The President of India Various leaders of political parties Posting to Face book. Note: This e-mail is my individual appeal only, as a citizen of India based on the present situations that are taking place in the state of AP and does not involve the direct/indirect interference of the college management in any manner.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 18:53:46 +0000

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